"That is exactly how you would look when I take you to bed and make love to you. I was imagining how it would be. Me, deep inside you..." Yibo said.

Yibo's honest confession of his feelings for him is enough to make Zhan blush. Within a few months of her relationship with Alen, the guy miserably failed to ignite fire in him. Despite the fact that he also allows himself to be kissed and hugged from time to time.

Yibo only used words, but he was already feeling hot. And just his nearness created waves of sensations.

Zhan laughed shakily. "That's obscene talk, Mr. Wang. And it's against the law."

"Between the two of us, Zhanny, I am the law," Yibo said, he hugged Zhan from behind and kissed his neck. "And mind you, sweetheart, I wouldn't call it sex when I take you and make you mine. I will be making slow and agonizing love to you... to exhaustion," Yibo promised in a whisper. His hand gently covered Zhan's chest. "And right now, I am hot as hell..."

Zhan moaned silently. White heat flowed down to his stomach making his knees feel like jelly. He wanted Yibo's hands on his chest... on his body... forever, he wanted to feel for a long time the delicious feeling caused by Yibo's hands on his chest. But at the same time, the fear is still there.

And when Yibo hugged him, Zhan could feel the truth of what Yibo was saying in the lower part of is back. Zhan swallowed hard and face Yibo gently.

"J-just for the record... W-what is holding you back?" If he had teased Alen like this before, he would have lost his virginity a long time ago.

"You," Yibo answered. "I still don't really understand you. Sometimes you flirt and tease me. Just like now. And my mind is divided if you're used to it or you're just not aware that you're doing that to me. Then sometimes you acted like a scared virgin when I so much as touch you.

"Then you will look at me with so much passion and desire in your eyes. Which is which, Zhany?" Yibo didn't add that maybe that was Zhan's style to trap him. Appearing and acting like an innocent. Just like Zhan doesn't want to accept money from him.

But Yibo immediately dismissed his doubts. Trap or not. Innocent or wanton. He likes Zhan. He wanted him. He wasn't lying when he said he longed for Zhan. And that he thinks about Zhan almost every time he's in the office, like this whole day.

Where everyone failed, Zhan definitely succeeded in that department.

Zhan broke free from Yibo's embrace. He didn't know how to answer Yibo's question. He teased and flirted with him slightly because he felt safe with him.

And now he was scared. Scared, yes. But more on himself than Yibo. A simple touch from Yibo ignited fire in him.

"Have you been made love to, Zhany? By Alen or by any man?" Yibo said in a sharp voice at the thought.

"That's the third time you've asked me that in different words." Zhan answered.

"And you're not answering me straight." Yibo said.

"And I still don't want to answer that, Yibo. Why do you want to know? Isn't it enough that I agreed to this arrangement come what may?"

Come what may meant if they ended up in bed, he definitely wouldn't know how to say no or if he would say no. Zhan sighed wearily. Alen just wanted to rape him just so he could get ahead of him. And in Zhan estimation, Yibo is worried that he might still be a virgin. It's as if Yibo fears his virginity because Zhan might hold him accountable if ever Zhan gives himself to him. Yibo must have claimed him long ago if he said he was no longer a virgin.

"All right. Forget my question. It's just ruining both our moods." Yibo lowered his head and claimed Zhan's lips hungrily, possessively. Immediately Zhan's hands went up to his neck, kissing him back with urgency. His mouth hot and seeking. His hands threaded through the thickness of Yibo's hair.

When Yibo opened his mouth as he groaned in desire, Zhan tongue darted against him in an erotic movement.

Yibo gasped. Shock of desire flooded through him. And he was sure that in a few moments he would completely lost it. His hands are already traveling from behind Zhan... down and over the gentle swells below his waist. And if he would take Zhan, that's because that's what Zhan really wants. Zhan has not responded to his love plays the way he is doing now. Despite everything, Yibo could detect resistance from him. Or was it fear?

And now Yibo wasn't sure how to respond. Knowing if he did, it would be beyond volition. He fought for sanity and quickly let go and stared at Zhan. His eyes hooded with desire.

"Answer truthfully, Zhany, do you want me to make love to you right now?" Yibo's voice was a husky invitation.

"Yes... No..."

"Which one?"

Zhan blinked. He couldn't understand why his rational thoughts flew away every time Yibo kissed him. And if he follows his body, he will definitely answer "yes". But Zhan was grateful for that small consideration after what he'd just done. Once again Yibo gives him a chance to think and do what is right.


Yibo sighed. He searched Zhan face. "All right, the black and white answer is not necessary. I also accept the gray answer. Do you mean 'not yet'?"

Zhan smiled thoughtfully and nodded. Desire still shadowed Yibo's eyes, but he returned a smile. He takes Zhan by the arm and led him towards the dining room.

"In that case, just brag to me about what you're cooking coz I'm already hungry. If I can't eat the cook, then I'll eat what it's cooked."

"It's just a steamed fish, Yibo," Zhan answered worriedly. He wasn't sure if someone like Yibo would like his food.

It was a tuna fish that he covered with pork fat and dried averrhoa bilimbi then he added water and salt. Zhan was glad that her luggage included the averrhoa bilimbi placed in a small tupperware. His Aunt once brought it to him when she visited him. But he never had the chance to use it.

"Steamed fish? Smells that good?" Yibo asked.

"It just a simple dish," he continued. Glancing at the clock on top of the bureau. "And it might not taste that good because I only boiled it for about three hours."

Yibo approached the stainless steel pot and opened it. The fish is almost dry because Zhan didn't added anymore water and was planning to eat it that night.

"This will do, Zhany. If you can eat this, I'm sure I can too. I'm tired and I don't intend to go out and eat out at the restaurant. In fact, I intend to stay and rest for a while and I'll go home later."


"I know. Not yet," Yibo said fatly.

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