Chapter Twenty-Eight~Deathly Hallows, Snatchers And Malfoy Manor.

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The Lovegood's house was everything I imagined it to be, crazy and unique. It was a layered tall building with kites hanging from it. Different vegetables were planted outside. Despite being Luna's best friend for five years, I had not yet visited her home. I couldn't wait to see her, she would be on holiday now. We knocked the door and Xenophilius answered with a nervous expression but let us in anyway. "Where's Luna?" I asked curiously. "Oh, err... she'll be along... yes..." He answered weakly. We asked him about the symbol. We learnt the story behind it was in Hermione's book from Dumbledore. She read it out. The sign represented the Deathly Hallows, the master of death (the Elder wand, resurrection stone and the cloak of invisibility). Xenophilius was acting very strangely, more than usual in fact. Something was not right. "Mr Lovegood, we best be off now, sorry." Hermione said. "NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE!" He screamed, smashing plates in pure anger and frustration. "Mr Lovegood, is everything okay?" I wondered. He started shaking and tears rolled down his cheeks. "They took her. They took my Luna away. They saw what I had been writing, they were angry, so angry... I couldn't stop them... it was too late. My lovely Luna was gone... my Luna..." He sobbed. "Who took her?" Harry wondered, holding me for support as I was in a lot of shock. "Voldemort." A heard crash erupted as soon as the name escaped his mouth, we were surrounded by death eaters. We apparated quickly. "The sly git. We can't trust anyone." Ron exclaimed angrily. I shook my head. "He was desperate. Luna is his life. He's already lost his wife." I admitted. He sighed and shrugged his shoulders. We all heard a loud crack of branches near by and next thing we knew, we were surrounded by Snatchers. Hermione quickly casted a spell on Harry, causing his face to swell up, so he was unrecognisable. We lied about our identification. They recognised Hermione, Ron and I from the papers and took us all to Malfoy Manor instead of the ministry.

Malfoy Manor was very grand. It was stunning too, it looked almost like a castle with its turrets and towers. It was a beige colour with a black roof and Tudor styled windows, we were dragged into a huge room with a fireplace and an elegant chandelier above us. Bellatrix and the Malfoy's were there. Draco hesitated with confirming Harry's identification. We were thrown into the dungeons, well, all except for Hermione who was being questioned about "Bellatrix's sword". Ron filled the room with light to find Luna, Ollivander, Dean and Griphook looking at us. I ran into Luna's arms with relief that she was alive. "I've been so worried! I'm so glad you're still alive!" I cried after explaining about her father. "Same goes for you, but, we're trapped here now. I expect You-Know-Who will be arriving soon if they find out that Harry is really here." She sighed. I agreed. We heard Hermione screaming above us, it made my stomach turn. "We've got to help her!" Ron shouted desperately. Harry looked into the shard of mirror from the Mirror of Erised he discovered in his first year where he saw his parents in the reflection that he hid in his sock. To our surprise, Dobby appeared in front of us. He helped Luna, Ollivander and Dean to escape before returning to us. Wormtail found us escaping, but he ignored it, being in Harry's debt, the hand that Voldemort created him wrapped around his throat, it was a brutal end to his life. We ran into the room. Hermione was on the floor in pain, tears were streaming down her face,"mudblood" was carved into her skin. Griphook was tortured for his information about the fake sword in Bellatrix's vault. They all saw that Harry's face was back to normal. We all duelled, trying to stop them calling Voldemort. As Lucius went to summon him, Dobby released the chandelier, nearly killing Bellatrix in the process. She was furious and as we apparated, a dagger was flown into our direction.

A Harry Potter Fanfiction~Falling For The Boy Who Lived.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu