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"Solano, the job is done. Wire the rest of the money into the account." I said calmly into the phone. 

This was my 3rd kill of the week, ninety ninth of my life since I became an assassin. Everyone in the underworld wanted to have a chance of me working for them, even if it wasn't for that long. I was famous with an unknown identity. No one knew who I was, they still don't, and they never will.

I walked into the diner right around the corner of the alley. As I opened the door, I heard the jingle of a bell. The diner was empty, except for one woman sitting in the corner alone. That woman was my  best friend. It was Maliya. Our eyes met while I was at the door. I used my eyes to show her that we had to leave. Now.

She stood up in a flash and we were out of there. We walked to the car and I sat in the backseat in order to change my attire.

"Gosh, you look like a mess Cassy! What happened down there?" she asked in shock.

"Don't worry Li, its not my blood. I have no idea how you even saw it, I'm wearing black clothes."

"Its on your face, Cass. You look like a 21st century bloody Mary!" she whisper yelled; with mostly the yell

I just rolled my eyes as I continued to change my clothes. I tossed the old ones in to a black plastic bag which I was later going to burn. I changed into a white spaghetti strap crop top and black sweatpants with socks and a pair of sneakers. I wiped my face with a wet wipe while looking in the rear view mirror. Happy with my work, I discarded of the wet wipe and turned away from the mirror.

We finally arrived at our apartment. Maliya turned right to get into the buildings basement parking. She parked the car and we walked off to the elevator that would take us to our floor. My phone sounded from a notification which was from the proof of payment sent by Solano. I texted him back saying it was a pleasure doing business with him.

I entered the elevator right as the doors were about to close. It dinged again when we reached our floor, the 10th floor. We walked out, then Li unlocked the door and walked in first with me following her. I offered to cook something for tonight and she agreed.

I began frying the chicken breasts after seasoning them with a variety of spices and herbs. I then boiled the white rice. As it boiled , I prepared the Lemon and herb sauce I'd use for the meat. When everything was done, I served Maliya. It was a simple yet delicious dish.

As we ate, I received a call from my burner phone. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered. the phone has a voice changing feature that I always use if I'm on a call with a client. I did not speak until he did.

"Hello, sir. I have a new job for you. This may lead to your death but I would like for you to assassinate Matteo Arivonese, leader of the American Italian mafia. Because of the risk this mission holds, you will be paid 25 million dollars. You will start of  as a recruit and gain the slightest relationship with him. Then you will kill him. Do you accept?"

I noticed this voice. It was the underdon of the Russian Mafia, Kozlov Kuznetsov.

" 30% installment fee is to be paid beforehand, that being 7,5 million. Other than that, I accept and will begin with his next group of recruits in the next two days. Goodbye." I said ending the call giving him no chance to reply. Since Maliya was there throughout the conversation, she heard everything. I gave her a pleading look because she looked like she didn't want me to go.

"I'll be super careful, Li."

"And what if something happens, I will be left with no one."

I stood up and sat next to her, "Li, you know who I am and you know I've never lost a mission. Please believe in me."

"Fine, just get back to me."

"I will. I promise, I will."

Assassin's Downfall | A MAFIA ROMANCEWhere stories live. Discover now