Snapdragons, Sunflowers and a Wild Mahi Bhai

Start from the beginning

"What's the matter? Why is he spitting out blood? Why is it so swollen? Is Bhai going to be okay? Did he break a bone?" he fired off anxiously as the physio stood up, calling for an ice pack while giving Bhai some cotton to bite on.

The physio took out his phone, tapping something away and answered them, "He did not break a bone. Teeth yes. Luckily its mostly his wisdom tooth infact, it has cracked completely down to the root and some of his gums are affected, the molars seem fine enough. We will need to take the wisdom tooth out, but otherwise he is thankfully fine," he turned to the captain, "You got really lucky, you could have broken a jaw, bitten your tongue, hit some nerve,".

Sonu laughed breathlessly sitting down relieved, "It's not luck, he just has thick skin,". Yuvi pa just collapsed, not bothering to hide the anxiety that had run through him moments ago

Even though Mahi Bhai looked wrecked, holding an icepack to his swollen cheek, with bloody teeth, a bit of cotton sticking out of his mouth, a tiny dribble of spit and blood dripping down his chin, he found the energy to roll his eyes at his bestfriend. And instantly winced.

The physio tutted sympathetically, "Yeah, you should avoid doing that too. Don't be surprised if you have a headache. Your jaw holds a lot of important nerves, some connected to functions such as-"

"Can we skip the biology class and get to what is the plan now?" Virat interrupted still anxious. He saw Mahi Bhai glare disapprovingly at him from the corner of his eyes but he was too worried to be cowed by it right now.

The physio however didn't seem to mind, "I have arranged an appointment with a dental surgeon in the evening itself. We will get the cracked tooth removed. He might have pain for a couple of days because of his gums but he should be fit for playing,".

The rest of the team slowly sat down one by one on the grass, tension bleeding away from their shoulders as they worriedly watched their captain. Mahi Bhai huffed through the cotton.

"O bwack u pwackice," he warbled out waving them away,

Rohit whined, "Bhai please, we just got the fright of our lives. Let us relax,".

Bhai rolled his eyes out of habit again and winced.

"Bhai are you okay," him and Rohit worriedly hurrying to their elder brother's side even as they were waved off by him.

"Bhai stop doing that, did you not hear the physio?" Ash yelled, joining their huddle with Jaddu awkwardly trying to hide his worry tagging behind him.

"Mahi if you roll your eyes again I will tape them shut," Yuvi Pa threatened looking up from his position on the ground.

"I will call Dada, don't test me," that was Sonu Bhai.

The man in question held up a tired hand stopping them before they devolved into chaos. Virat felt a bit awed at his ability to take charge even in pain. Bhai was so cool, he thought.

Bhai sat up a bit straighter with Rohit's help with a smile that looked a bit gruesome on his injured face, "Dwama'ick" he said and Virat found himself grinning despite his concern. If Mahi Bhai had the energy to tease them, it meant he was probably alright.


By the time the dentist's appointment rolled around, Mahi had been hard pressed into admitting that he was in a world of pain. After the first few minutes of impact, he had forced himself to regain his senses, be in control, relax enough that the boys could stop hovering around him and actually go practice while the support staff took him to the hospital just in case. It was a miracle that he had managed to shoo away an overprotective Sonu, a guilty Yuvi, a frantic Rohit and a very clingy Cheeku. He didn't want a panicked environment on top of everything else, it genuinely really did hurt and they weren't helping. As the day went on, the pain in his jaw kept climbing to unbearable levels and he found himself clenching his jaw despite being told not to since it increased the bleeding, he suddenly started wishing he had kept atleast one of them around to distract him. All the clenching, the extreme level of control and ofcourse the sheer pain was soon resulting in a steadily increasing migraine. The physio had begrudgingly allowed him a couple of painkillers.

MS Dhoni and the useless one shots I like to come up withWhere stories live. Discover now