"THEY REJECTED US!!" They screamed back.

"What's the matter? They won't do it?" Oars questioned the boys. Sanji quickly asked why the zombie acted so disappointed, but Oars quickly yelled back. "Why ya think?! I wanna see the robot!! Do it, ya jerks!" Oars lifted up his hand up before punching the robot. Sanji and Zoro quickly dodged, but the other three boys were sent flying back into a large boulder.

"Awe man. I've never been so relieved to get punched before. That really way embarrassing!!" Zoro ran away from the group.

"Awe, but you looked so cute as a right leg!" (Y/N) teased the swordsman.

"Oh shut it!!" Zoro snapped back at the woman as he ran past her.

"Why'd you bail on us, Robin?! We could have formed the Robot Warrior, Big Emperor!" Franky yelled at the women. "Come on (Y/N)?! You too! What was that?!"

"Betrayed by two of our own! Who'd have thought?!" Chopper cried at the two.

"Luffy never would have left us hanging like that you know!!" Usopp yelled at the women.

"Don't ever ask me to dock with you again." Robin sassed the three, (Y/N) joined in. "Seriously. That was pathetic." The two women walked away from the boys behind them.

"Franky!" Zoro called out making (Y/N) glance over at him to see the swordsman next to Franky's stone nunchucks. "I hope you don't mind me borrowing these things."

"Hey hold on! Those are my Heavy Nunchucks!!" Franky yelled at the swordsman as Zoro picked up the stone columns with his blades. "Alright fine, but don't break 'em!!"

(Y/N) looked over at Sanji kicking a decent sized rock at Oars' head, successfully grabbing Oars' attention. "You again." Oars got ready to punch the cook.

"Robin!" Zoro called for the woman making both Robin and (Y/N) look over at him. "I'm going to give his left arm a pounding and then I'm going to need you to put him in a submission hold."

"Sure. You got it." Robin calmly said back.

"Let's do this." Zoro spun Franky's Heavy Nunchucks as he ran at Oars.

"I'm going to find a better angle on this bastard. If Zoro's plan doesn't work, I have another one that may suppress the zombie. Good luck, you two." (Y/N) smirked at Robin before running off towards the large building next to them. (Y/N) flew up on top of the building, looking back down at her crew mates working together against Oars. 'This just just Plan B. Let's see if they can do it.' (Y/N) jumped on the ledge of the building watching Chopper and Franky punch Oar straight in his jaw. 'That's my boys.' The (h/c) haired woman smiled down at the boys.

"(Y/N) (L/N) Donquixote." An unfamiliar voice called out behind (Y/N).

(Y/N)'s eyes widened as she quickly turned to see a large man with a white bear eared bucket hat on his head and holding a Bible in one arm. "Who the hell are you? And how do you know my full name?" (Y/N) gripping onto the handles of her sickles.

"I'm only here to speak with Gecko Moria. But when I discovered you were here, I had to see it for myself." The man stared down at (Y/N). "A Celestial Dragon becoming a pirate."

"I don't know how you know so much about me and it really creeps me out." (Y/N) kept her gaze on the man, studying his features. "Just for the record, I barely found out the news myself. After I became a pirate. It's not like I give a damn about the title or the World Government for that matter. So if you're here to take me to them, tell them they can shove it up their sorry asses. I'm never getting caught by the good-for-nothing government."

The two stood in silence of a moment before the man finally spoke. "That's fine by me. As I said before, I am only here to speak with Gecko Moria. I seek no interest in your capture at this time." The man turned away from (Y/N). "You'll grown into an extraordinary woman one day, Ms. (L/N)." (Y/N) to tilted her head at the man. Before she could question him further, the man was gone.

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