The Dreamer

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I woke up in a cold sweat, my whole body feeling shaky as the sunlight coming through my window blinded me. I breathed out heavily and closed the curtains, throwing my legs off of the bed and standing up all wobbly. I stumbled to my closet and grabbed my school uniform.

The uniform has a long light blue skirt and shirt, with a white blazer buttoned over it, as well as a darker blue belt. The tie was small, with a little sun charm hanging from it to represent my light powers. Some lacy white gloves and socks went with my brown boots well. I changed into it, putting on a black choker instead of the tie to signify I was a part of the student council.

A loud knock woke me from my trance, my mom's voice yelling at me to get ready. "You ready Hunny? C'mon, school is starting soon!" I opened the door, and her expression made me think she was unimpressed with how I looked. "You still haven't brushed your hair! You look like a wreck, sunshine...." She shook her head, then grabbed a paddle brush. Before I could protest she had me by the hair and was aggressively combing out my rats.

I winced in pain, groaning and yelling at her to stop. "Mama! Please I can do it myself, okay!? I just woke up..-" she let out a loud sigh, smacking the brush into my hands. "You better! If I see you looking like that when you leave I'll-!"

I pushed her out of the room and locked the door, staring at my tired reflection. I brushed through my thick, frizzy hair. My lips parted slightly, breathing out heavily and I grabbed my divine object, a crescent moon and star hair clip, pushing it into the side of my dark brown hair. My eyes were still red and puffy, dark eye bags making me look like I hadn't slept in months. I set down the brush on my vanity, using a bit of magic to make my face look less old.

"Hunny! It's time to go!" my mom banged on the door. I unlocked the door and walked out, "Real quick...I need to straighten my hair." I ran to the bathroom plugged the straightener in, not even waiting for it to heat up, and put it to my hair. My mom looked even more annoyed now, tapping her foot and crossing her arms across her chest. "Your hair is beautiful, why would you damage it with!"

"It's a straightener mama, we have to catch up with the outside world sometime." I finished and then fixed my hair, she quickly grabbed my hand and dragged me out the door "Hurry hurry!" she yanked my hair clip out, shoving it into my hands. "Go! Now!" she was all frazzled, a bit of her French accent slipping out.

I turned the clip into my staff. A long white pole with a crescent moon shape at the top and a yellow five-pointed star floating in the middle. The staff hovered a few inches off of the ground and I sat sideways on it. I cupped my calves against the staff, securing myself safely on it and making it fly higher in the air.

The staff slowly flew towards the school, my hair and skirt blowing in the wind, and my fingers tracing engravings on the pole. A pink and white staff flew beside me, a round crystal with a sparkle 3 pointed star engraved on it, and two wings on either side. There sat Lily, the former freshman, now sophomore pink-haired fairy girl that HATES MY GUTS. I have no idea why, but she's all hateful towards me and says I'm some kind of phony! Seriously?

"Hunny Lumiere!" Lily cried out, standing on her staff all wobbly and pointing at me. "I challenge you to a race! If I win you have to stop talking to THE STAR!"

"I'm not doing that," I said flatly and rolled my eyes. She has always been a bit of a drama queen. She's desperate for Star, my bff's approval, and acts like I'm the scum of the earth.

"You can't just,, ignore me! Hey! C'mon.." she started to do a whiny voice that made me want to bang my head against a brick wall. "Yeah, I can. I'm way too tired to do ANY of that shit today Lily, I can't deal with you. Just leave me alone and maybe grow up?" I stood up on my staff, planting my feet with magic so I didn't fall and speeding it up before she could even gasp.

I could hear her banshee screams from behind me, as she tried to catch up. Despite her confidence, I'm quite the adversary. Well...compared to a sophomore. I'm like..3 years older I think.

After a few minutes, I arrived at school, jumped off of the staff, and turned it back into my clip, carefully pinning my hair back. Lily joined me after a minute, trying to catch her breath and staggering off of her frilly staff. She turned it into a pink pair of glasses, put them on, and pointed directly at me. "MARK MY WORDS LUMIERE. I WILL GET YOU ONE OF THESE DAYS!" she yelled, notifying everyone in the vicinity that the little brat had arrived.

I rolled my eyes once again and waved her away, as she stormed into the building like an angry bull. Attention was on me for a hot minute before everyone went back to their conversations. I sighed softly, leaning against the gate of the school while I tried to regain some of my sanity before going in. Eventually, I pushed my hair back and stepped forward, walking to the school entrance in what felt like slow-motion.

I have a feeling this year is gonna be horrible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2023 ⏰

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