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I didn't realize I made their names start with L LMAOOOO. ngl i just wanted to be a little dramatic on this chapter just because i loooooooooooooooove angst 


The day of the fair came, a few days later. In december, it was really cold and really windy that week. Edgar had to wear two layers on top of each other to be able to get out of the house, and he was still having trouble with it. He was dreading it the moment Leo sent him a message telling the date, the place and the hour. It left him in a pile of anxiety the whole time.

And even worse, he had a migraine. An expressive and painful one, one that made him feel nauseous and very sensitive to light, he was even sure he saw some blobs in his vision when he woke up. That's why he drowned in a shit ton of painkillers and pretended he didn't have anything, for the sake of Leo. Because he knew if he didn't go, Leo would feel bad and insecure. Or maybe not, he seemed excited for the fair.

He sighed once he finished putting up the boots in his feet. His jacket was tightly wrapped around him, a long, black wool coat that almost drowned him completely, but it was either that, or death by hypothermia.

The throb behind his eyes was still intense but he just proceeded to grab his glasses and pick up his bag with his contents inside. He had to make this to make Leo feel better or whatever.

His sleep schedule was still fucked up, he couldn't sleep for more than three hours at a time. And he was glad that school was about to end in a week from then, because he wasn't sure if he could keep going that way. His eye bags were bigger than ever, his eyes were bloodshot most of the time and he was dragging himself around. He still couldn't understand what was going on with him, but his mother was planning a doctor's appointment in a few weeks to see what was going on.

Edgar was drowning in painkiller meds at that point. His migraine was not going to subside and he knew that. So he just pretended to suck it up and walked out of the house, being immediately hit with the cold, freezing wind. The winds were shaking violently around the path outside of his house and he stood there, waiting for Leo to pick him up with his car.

They planned that he was picking him up after picking the girls up, mainly because they lived right across the travel between the fair and Leo's house. In that moment, his chest pinched a bit, feeling tighter than normal.

Edgar sighed loudly again and leaned against the wall, pressing his chin to his chest and closing his eyes whilst he waited for the car. At least they were going there at night, and not during the day. His eye sensitivity would go through the roof, but the lights and the noise were probably going to make him even more sensitive. Shit, he had to deal with it. He even brought the migraine painkillers inside of his bag in case of any emergency. If he could last the entire night.

He was uncomfortable. Uncomfortable with his best friend's situation. He wasn't more distant, per say, but Edgar felt like he, himself, was more distant than ever. Either it was the lack of sleep or just the general situation, but he felt worse as time went on. Every time he caught Leo texting someone on his phone, his ch st tightened a little bit more and his anxiety would go through the roof when he didn't know where Leo was at school.

His bed was still his safeguard at that point, the hoodie, the blanket. Probably the entire bedroom. He was dreaming about it, when he could take a long nap in his best friend's bedroom, something he never thought of before. It was messing up with his head and he pondered time and time again why he just wouldn't meet his other half so he didn't have to deal with it.

He bearded the soft noise of an engine at the distance and stayed the same way, waiting for the car to stop by his side so he could pretend he was fine. Like he had to do lately. Or Leo would ask what was happening and if he was fine. He stayed leaned against the wall, head turned down until he heard the engine right next to him.

the other half (bxb)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora