Red Blue Green

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"Red, Blue, Green, always the same order," I thought to myself, "Ignition Sequence Successful." Upon further analysis, the room I had been placed in contained zero lifeforms, but I could sense one just outside. The light shed from my dull edges wasn't enough to illuminate the room, and suddenly faded from green to orange. Memory corrupted. . . Incorrect, memory removed. I noticed the lifeform enter, a man, it could be assessed they were a researcher by apparel alone. "Your memory said you were a shipboard assistant nicknamed Starger?" They asked immediately. I answered honestly, "I am incapable of recalling, you are a researcher?" Perhaps continuing this dialogue could lead me to said memories. "You would be correct." "Employment?" "Don't push it," the researcher answered coolly. "Employment?" I inquired again. "Not important, where did you come from." "I am incapable of recalling." I began to wonder if the researcher's employers hadn't been the ones to remove my memory, but my doubts were quickly subdued. "Alright good, memory was completely extracted." "Return my memory." "No." I approached the researcher, cycling my array to bring a shard of lonsdaleite to the front. "Back off," The researcher pulled out a pistol, beginning to lose their cool. I was nine six point one nine percent sure it would be unable to damage me, but I did not allow my hypothesis to be proven false, my crystalline array was extended through the researcher's neck, disconnecting the spine and brain stem. At least he had died painlessly. I would not have held remorse either way. I drifted to the door the researcher entered and pulled it open. My memory core sat directly in the room, however, as did a clearly defined soldier, I memorised the symbol on their shoulder pad before engaging, a skull with many features, I could immediately make out an ibex horn, a python jaw, and an elephant-like tusk, the rest was bizarrely distorted.

I took just long enough analysing the symbol for the soldier to get a few shots off, I detected three separate impacts, but my casing withstood the blow, and I retaliated, killing him the same way the researcher died. I retrieved the memory core, and reintegrated it. There was much to relearn, but a number of logs, and more accurately a single grouped set stood out to me, front-line service. I was of course designed to be onboard a ship, but the way the titling was written suggested I was more than an advisor in my prior employment. I began at the first.

'Day eight, warfront has been reached,' was displayed. I took note that there were earlier logs to review which were related. In the main room of the ship were three other sentients. The video labeled them, from left to right. Lexiiialtaniii, Moniker: Lex/Lexy, Personality: Humble, Devout. Couper, Moniker: Couper, Personality: Caring, Slow. Bomfy Marston, Moniker: Marston, Personality: Cocky, Jokester. Lexiiialtaniii was a humanoid with dull blue skin, orange eyes, three small, backwards facing horns were on her head and neck, raptorial claws in place of regular arms, and a dull green cloak. Couper was a hybrid rock and lightning elemental with bright grey eyes and chromium armour. Bomfy Marston was a caucasian human male, he was wearing a black shirt, an unzipped white leather jacket, white sweatpants, a black hat and sunglasses, and a mechanical silver watch. The room was between the reactor and cockpit. It was painted a dull white. It was full of various games. One of the boxes called 'Cargo Haul' looked like it had a significantly greater portion of wear and tear than any of the others. "Remember, Stars answers incoming calls," Marston said, "We're not technically allowed out here and they'll definitely have voice scanning." I followed Marston into the cockpit, while Lex and Couper went to either side of the ship. "Alright Stars, once we're noticed they'll definitely have some question, so say anything that gets them off our backs." "Understood," I said.

I paused and returned myself from the video. I was registering sounds which quantified rapid footsteps. I retrieved the soldier's gun from the floor, which could be manipulated by the magnetic field I used to move and wield objects just as effectively as the crystals it was designed for. The footsteps got closer to the room. I didn't know how the door was operated, so I moved out of the doorway and waited. I quickly realised that the soldiers were considerably more well armed than the one who had been posted here was. The bullets weren't able to penetrate their armour, and I resorted to flinging the lonsdaleite portion of the array toward them. It managed to kill the first, but another stepped through and immediately opened fire with a battle rifle of high enough caliber to dent my casing. I quickly hovered to them, retrieved the gem, and managed to jam the soldier's gun by shoving extra bullets from his magazine into his barrel. Using the defeated man's weapon, I was able to defend myself. My casing had been dented, but not pierced, and I decided it was better the sooner I was gone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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