Chapter Eight

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**Trigger Warnings - Mentions of Nightmares - Mentions of Physically harm**

**Stay safe besties, and enjoy! Don't forget to vote and comment too!**

Tonsburg - Freyja's POV

I sat bolt upright from the depths of sleep, dazed and slightly confused as my ringtone blared through my dark bedroom. I scrambled to find it and answer it, panic rising as I did so.

No one phone's in the dead of night unless it's an emergency.

I saw Bucky's number flash on my screen and sighed as I answered it.

"James this better be important, its the middle of the night here" I sighed into the phone

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"James this better be important, its the middle of the night here" I sighed into the phone.

"Freyja! Oh thank God, are you ok?" Came the rushed and panicked reply from Bucky.

"Yes I'm fine Buck" I said more gently, shifting on the bed, feeling guilty for my exasperated tone "What's going on? You're worrying me" The anxiety building in my stomach. Bucky sounded truly scared.

"I had a nightmare, it was so damn real, I could still taste it" Bucky rushed down the phone "I felt everything, it was like I was actually there, like it was really happening, but I couldn't stop it, I couldn't stop what was happening" He continued to babble.

"Ok Bucky, shush shush shush, it's not real, you're safe. Just breathe with me" I tried to calm him and started to take deep breaths in and out loudly down the phone, urging him to follow me.

I heard Bucky start to take the breaths with me.

"In... hold... out..." I repeated slowly several times as Bucky followed me, eventually I heard his breaths start to steady "Ok Buck talk me through it what happened?" I asked gently, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"It was him, I was the winter soldier, but I wasn't" Bucky began to tell me about the nightmare.

"How so?" I asked, my sleep idled mind not full up to speed just yet.

"It was like I was watching through his eyes but had no control over his actions, how it was when I was really him, it wasn't like it normally is, normally it's like watching someone else doing it, but i was in his body this time, it was me but it wasn't, like i was just some hitch hiker watching through the windows of his eyes, I could hear my own voice screaming for him to stop, I just couldn't control him" Bucky trailed off to a whisper.

"It's ok Bucky just take your time" I said softly, giving him time to work through his thoughts, wondering why he'd called as he'd never contacted me before directly afterward a nightmare, opting to just wait until our next session.

I heard Bucky taking a few more deep breaths as he tried to calm himself once more. As I was listening and waiting for him to continue, the light from my door crept into the room, I turned wide eyed towards the light source to be met with a set of concerned blue eyes, framed by wild black hair.

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