Today, 11:17 AM

Hellu 🤭
You wouldn't happen to be free today?
Wanna meet up and have some lunch together?

Hello, dear.
I did not expect to receive a message from you.
Fortunately for you, I do happen to be free for today.
We can definitely meet up. Does around 1 PM. work for you?

Yes. 1 PM. definitely works for me. Where do you wanna meet?

Why don't we meet outside the Metrograph and walk together to a café?

Sounds like a plan 🥰

See you in 2 hours then, darling 😉


Exiting the chat and turning the screen off, Esmeralda hurried towards the wardrobe to decide what outfit she should wear for the little meet-up. She had an hour to get ready, and in her mind, she was beating herself up for agreeing to meet up at 1 PM. One hour was almost not enough time for her to get ready. Especially not when her habit of overthinking and difficulties with making decisions came into the picture.

After going through the different clothes, she decided to go with a dark blue hoodie and blue jeans. Brushing her hair, Esmeralda made sure to keep an eye on the time to make sure that she would not be late. Double checking that she had fixed everything that she wanted and packed a charger and her air pods into her purse, she finally felt ready enough to head towards the Metrograph.


Around 1 p.m., the young woman stood and waited for the other person to arrive. She had just arrived, and the time showed 12:55 PM on her phone. If Esmeralda were going to be honest, she had not mentioned it to anyone that she was going to meet Tom. For now, she felt that her little meeting with him was best to be kept between just the two of them.

A couple of metres away from the Metrograph, Esmeralda could make out a tall figure heading her way. She waved subtly towards the person as he walked closer. She noticed the man waving back, making her wonder to herself if she should perhaps walk closer to him to meet him halfway.

"Hello." Tom greeted her as he stopped a metre away from her. Esmeralda greeted him back with a smile, opening her arms as a way to ask him for an embrace, which he gladly accepted.

"Hello. So, which café have you decided that we should have our lunch at?" She asked as the two of them started to walk away from the Metrograph.

"There's a really good café a few blocks away that I thought we could eat at. They've got some really good food on their lunch menu." The handsome Birmingham man answered as he tried to slow down his pace to allow the shorter woman to walk next to him.

"Sounds good. Do you have anything else to do after lunch?" Esmeralda wondered, even though she briefly remembered him telling her in the messages that he had the day free.
Tom glanced at the other as he tried not to give in to the feeling of wanting to hold her hand or just having her grab his arm.

"No, as I told you earlier today, I have nothing to do today. Why?" He answered while he wondered what the beautiful woman was thinking of.

"I need to get some grocery shopping done, and I wanted to visit a bookstore today. Just wondered if you would want to come with me." She answered as the two of them continued to walk past stores and other cafés and restaurants.

"I'd love to accompany you while you do that." Tom softly stated as he opened the door to the café as they had finally arrived at their destiny. His answer caused Esmeralda to give him a big smile that showed her teeth.

Double take | T. BlythWhere stories live. Discover now