firework Pt. 1

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TWS: swearing, anxiety, panic attack, mentions of loud noises, mentions of bright lights, partially proofread chapter, 10650 words!

The Stray Kids members embarked on an evening outing to a small festival, the air thick with anticipation and the promise of a well-deserved break. Colorful stalls adorned the lively pathways, and the distant echo of laughter mingled with the scent of festival food. Unbeknownst to Changbin, however, a hidden specter loomed over the festivities—loud fireworks, a source of profound fear and anxiety for him.

As the group meandered through the festival grounds, Changbin absorbed the lively atmosphere, his excitement mirroring that of his bandmates. The sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the scene. Unseen by the others, a subtle unease settled within him, a premonition of the impending auditory storm.

The first explosion shattered the night, vivid hues illuminating the sky. In an instant, Changbin's joy gave way to an overwhelming surge of panic. His heart raced, and the world around him distorted. His hands instinctively flexed, fingers seeking refuge over his ears as if to shield himself from the impending auditory assault.

The explosions, however distant, were more than mere celebratory bursts. They were a gateway to a realm of paralyzing fear—a dimension where safety crumbled, and vulnerability reigned. Each burst reverberated through Changbin's being, setting off an internal cacophony of dissonant emotions.

His chest tightened, breaths becoming rapid and shallow. The festival's vibrant lights morphed into a blinding spectacle, and the collective laughter, once a harmonious melody, turned into an indistinguishable roar. Changbin's gaze dropped to the ground, a desperate attempt to ground himself as his surroundings blurred into an overwhelming mosaic of stimuli.

The sensory overload intensified, each explosion a relentless assault on his senses. Unseen by his bandmates, Changbin's flinches became involuntary, his body recoiling from the overwhelming stimuli. Attempts by his friends to offer comfort inadvertently intensified his distress, their touches akin to electric shocks that jolted through his already hyper-sensitive system.

As the panic attack set in, Chan, the ever-supportive leader, recognized Changbin's distress. Without hesitation, he led Changbin away from the festival chaos, guiding him to a secluded room. The air in the room was a stark contrast to the festival's clamor—quieter, softer, a sanctuary from the storm that raged within Changbin's mind.

The door to the secluded room closed softly behind them, muffling the distant sounds of the festival. The air within was cool and calm, a stark departure from the chaotic vibrancy outside. Chan guided Changbin to a cushioned chair, the room's soft lighting casting a soothing glow that danced upon the walls. Changbin, still reeling from the sensory overload, took tentative breaths, the echoes of the explosions still lingering in his mind.

His trembling hands hovered over his ears, a desperate attempt to find refuge from the intrusive sounds that had thrown him into disarray. Chan, the epitome of understanding, knelt beside him, the only other soul in this haven of quiet.

In the quiet room, the only audible sound was the hushed rustling of fabric as Chan gently positioned Changbin's hands over his ears. The room became a sanctuary, a haven carved out of silence, offering respite from the relentless stimuli that had triggered Changbin's panic. Chan's hands, warm and steady, descended atop Changbin's, applying gentle pressure to create a barrier against the intrusive sounds.

The tangible connection between them spoke volumes, a silent promise that he wasn't alone in this struggle. It was a gesture of solidarity, a bridge between the chaos outside and the solace within.

Changbin's fingers flexed over his ears, an unconscious response ingrained in his attempts to shield himself from the lingering echoes. His eyes, wide and filled with a mixture of fear and gratitude, met Chan's reassuring gaze.

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