Trying To Figure Out My Feelings

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After Reese left I went and sat on my couch. I'm glad the house came fully furnished. Anyway I looked through the boxes then found my diary and started writing my heart away.

(Dear Diary,
I met this boy today. He was soooo strong. I don't really know if I like him yet. His smile was just so perfect it made my heart skip a beat. The way he carried those boxes, I just can't! I have school tomorrow and I'm so excited! He didn't look that much older than me so I hope he goes to my school. I'm going to Barret Traditional Middle School, it's not an easy school to go to. You have to be really smart to get in, so I hope he's smart. I wonder if he has any social media accounts. Maybe I'll ask him after school since I dont know what school he goes to.)

After writing in my diary I decided to go upstairs and check out my room. I know some of you guys may be like 'Why are you living alone if you're in middle school?' 'Where are your parents?' Well, an easy answer for that is....In this story, youre allowed to live on your own as long as your 10 or older. I'm 12 and Reese looked like he was around 13 or 14.

Anyway I was laying on my bed wondering how my new school will go. I snapped out of my thoughts when my phone started vibrating. Then I became sad realizing I didn't get his phone number. I answered the phone to an excited voice. "Hay bestie boo!" It was my best friend Evelyn. "Oh hey." I'm guessing she could sense that I was not feeling the best. "What happened? Do you not like the house?" "No, I love the house. It's something different." I don't even know why I was sad about not getting his number. We had just met three hours ago. "What's up, you can tell me anything." She sounded so sincere but I couldn't tell her about Reese, not until I know for a fact that I like him. "Oh it's just nothing, just trying to figure out where to put things." It wasn't entirely a lie. I was figuring out where I wanted to put things, but there is something wrong. I just don't know what to do anymore.

He Loves Me He Loves Me NotKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat