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Third Person's POV

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Third Person's POV

As he stepped out of the elevator into the bustling office, the familiar sight of Afzal greeted him with a warm smile. Afzal, not just his trusted secretary but also a dear friend, stood by the entrance, ready to assist with whatever the day might bring. Their bond extended beyond professional duties, forming a foundation of support and friendship in the hectic world of business.

As they walked towards Zayn's office, Afzal's transferable passion couldn't go unnoticed. Zayn, however, couldn't shake off his suspicion, knowing Afzal's preference for playful banter.

"Why are you so happy today? You always taunt me whenever I come to the office," Zayn remarked, raising an eyebrow.

"Because now I can take a breath of peace," Afzal replied , a naughty glint in his eye.

Zayn halted in his tracks, his curiosity provoked.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his expression a mix of surprise and interest.

"Someone is waiting for you in the cabin," Afzal said suspiciously.

"Tell her I didn't come." Zayn immediately understood who was waiting for him. To avoid that person he turned back and was about to leave but a soft voice from behind stopped him.

"Zayn" called a beautiful girl. As the girl approached him with excitement, Zayn couldn't help but feel a sense of dread washing over him. He closed his eyes momentarily, silently cursing his decision to come to the office that day. With a resigned sigh, he turned back, knowing that pretending not to have seen her was no longer an option.

Zayn faced the girl. His discomfort was evident. Her presence always stirred a mix of emotions within him, and he struggled to maintain his composure. Mahira, with her charm and flawless appearance, stood before him, radiating warmth with her bright smile. Her features were delicate, her makeup subtle, and her cheeks flushed with excitement.

Zayn recognized her instantly - Mahira Siddiqui, his uncle's daughter. The connection ran deeper; she was also the daughter of one of his mother's cousins, further twisted round their family ties. Despite Mahira's maturity and responsibility, Zayn found himself continuously trying to avoid her company, a fact he couldn't quite explain even to himself.

Mulazim-E-Al-Wadood Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant