Goldie is adorable but in trouble

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Hello,  hello my superstars thank you so much for the wait and so many good ideas you have given me it has helped so much today as you have read the title and I know you will be confused but you'll understand why when you read this story so sit back relax ad enjoy a few belly roll of laugher

( P.S: this amazing drawing was made by Saltv on Tumblr so please check out their amazing AGA comic and drawings)

year: 1998 

Goldie was causing mischief, as usual, doing pranks and trying his best to take over the pizzeria, but tonight was different, Goldie saw Mike throw away an old mattress and a camera into the pizzeria's dumpster this made the golden bear very curious, he goes to the dumpster where Mike has thrown the two items, he grabbed both items and teleported them and himself to the backroom, Goldie checked the mattress first to make sure there was no broken springs or any bed bugs crawling around once he had found none, he gets a big white bed sheet that he had found earlier when he was checking the boxes in his room and starts to put them on the large mattress, once he was finished he flops himself on the large mattress and felt how comfortable it was making the golden bear purr while being comfortable 

Goldie: hmmm this is nice, now I can understand why Mike and Henry like this so much, this mattress is so comfy

The golden bear said to himself before remembering the camera, the golden bear checked the camera out and found it was still in good shape and working just fine after he had put fresh batteries in, Goldie smiled seeing the camera had several settings and had accidentally flashed the camera in his eyes almost blinding him before this gave the golden bear an idea, an awful idea, this idea gave Goldie a wonderful awful idea!

 ( but does he listen when people tell him that some things should not be put into action? Noo!!

Goldie: ooohhh I know just what to do with this camera >:3

He said with a chuckle in his throat and started to set the camera up after he had found a camera stand and some camera equipment, and a laptop that he had stolen from Mike's office, he laid himself on the mattress and began to take pictures of himself using the camera flash but he didn't know that someone was watching this all go down one of them was Shadow Freddy, watching the golden bear take pictures of himself before he goes back to what he was doing inside the vents since the camera flash was hurting his eyes, the next one was Finn, Goldie's 2nd best friend, he was so confused of why Goldie was taking pictures of himself before he sees Goldie start to download the pictures on the laptop and onto the internet for everyone to see like Tumblr and an app that is unheard of but this didn't sit well for Finn, and he rushes to find Freddy, to put an end to what Goldie was doing, Goldie on the other hand was enjoying himself getting praised all over the internet before he got a request from a fan of his and that was wanting him to take off his hat and bowtie, now this didn't seem like a good idea to Goldie, but his pride got the better of him and he was just about to take a picture of himself naked before his door slammed right open causing the golden bear to drop the button that was connected to the camera, he looks and sees it was Freddy and he was not a happy bear and besides him was a very worried Finn, and an upset Mike


Freddy said roaring with anger and went to the golden bear to prevent him from taking a picture of himself naked which he was both mad but glad that he got there just in time before Goldie took the picture, Mike went to the laptop and checked to make sure Goldie didn't do something stupid, but he saw the request in a private dm and when he read it, his face shown of disappointment and disgust that someone had asked Goldie to take a picture of himself naked and send it to him, and well Mike deleted both accounts that Goldie made that included the pictures with them, and unplugged the camera and looked at Goldie, but doesn't say anything, he took both the laptop and camera and take them back to his office but somewhere out of animatronic's reach, Finn watched this go down hoping Goldie didn't do what he thought he was going to do, and well Freddy gave Goldie a lecture before making Goldie put his bowtie and hat on and left with a huff, Mike came back to give Goldie a talk 

Mike: Goldie, come with me to the office please you and I need to have a chat 

the night guard said with a calm but stern tone in his voice, making Goldie feel a bit uneased, but after the two got to the office, Mike sat Goldie down and wanted to ask him a few questions first before getting to the point of what he wanted to talk to Goldie about

Mike: Goldie where did you get the camera, laptop, and mattress?? 

he said looking at the golden bear, wanting answers and well Goldie couldn't lie to Mike since Mike had the " tell the truth or you are in big trouble" stare

Goldie: I got them from the dumpster and in your office 

the golden bear said with his ears drooped down in shame, mostly because he got caught  by everyone 

Mike: I see and what did you think you were doing with the camera and laptop don't you realize that was dangerous?? 

he said doing his best to keep his cool and knowing he would have to tell Henry, his boss, about what happened and knows his boss would give Goldie the talk about the dangers of what is okay to do and what is not okay to do especially on the internet 

Goldie:....I just was having fun and enjoyed being praised by my fans

He said not looking up at Mike since he knew there would be a lecture when Mike finished asking questions but tonight was not that night

Mike: I understand but Goldie what you did was both dangerous and not safe the internet is not a safe place for anyone including you and everyone else in this pizzeria, and that person who wanted you to send naked pictures is a predator and I'm glad we came in before you took those pictures and send them 

he said and knew Goldie would try to make an excuse but he wasn't going to let him this time right now since he clearly needed Goldie to understand what he was about to do earlier in his room was considered child pornography and it was both illegal and disgusting to anyone that has children and Mike consider Goldie's mental age to be about 9 years old 

Mike: Goldie, I will have to punish you since this was very dangerous of what you did 

he said getting up leading Goldie to the timeout corner and sitting him down in the plastic yellow chair, and making Goldie face the wall, he also sat down at one of the party table's chairs and set the time for about 10 minutes and stayed there to make sure Goldie didn't try to escape timeout like the golden bear has done several times, Mike takes a few deeps breathes to stay calm and stopped anyone from talking to Goldie since he was still in timeout

(after the ten minutes are up)

Mike checks his watch and lets Goldie go do what he usually does but makes a quick phone call to Henry who is asleep, so Mike leaves a voicemail and goes back into the security office, everyone that included Finn bugged Goldie with questions about what happened because Freddy had told them a small part of what happened and well Goldie wasn't feel like talking or doing his usual mischief, he goes to his room and locked the door till a sound from the vent inside his room ws heard and it was.......


The ask-and-dare boxes are open but remember no fetishes, any sibling x siblingship, or anything that is not kid-friendly since this book is for kids of all ages 

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