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Feeling remorseful for possessing more wealth than she required, Mia couldn't shake off the guilt that came with realizing her financial abundance juxtaposed with the Weasleys' financial constraints. As she pondered on her surplus of resources, she couldn't overlook the fact that the Weasleys, with their larger family, faced more significant financial challenges. Despite her genuine desire to assist the Weasleys, Mia grappled with the notion that her solitary wealth might dwarf in comparison to the financial needs of a larger household.

Ron noticed Mia face.

"Hey, Mia. I know you're worried about us, but we're a tight-knit bunch. We'll figure things out. Your concern means a lot to us, but we'll manage," Ron reassured Mia with a warm smile, his words carrying a sense of resilience and optimism.

"Thanks, Ron. I just want to help in any way I can. If there's anything I can do, please let me know," Mia replied.

Mrs. Weasley: We'll manage. Right then. There's only one place we're going to get all of this: Diagon Alley. [Mrs. Weasley picks up a pot of the mantel.]
Mrs. Weasley: You first, Mia dear. [offers Mia a flowerpot. At the bottom is a layer of very soft dust. Mia frowns in confusion.]

"Sometimes it's better to take the scenic route," Mia quipped, recalling the chaotic outcome of her initial attempt at using floo powder. Her mention of the mishap elicited hearty laughter from Hermione and Ron, who found her recollection amusing.

"I can't say I blame you," Hermione chimed in, her tone reflecting a mix of skepticism and amusement.

Mia continued, "I swear, I ended up in the wrong fireplace, and it took forever to get the soot out of my hair."

Hermione chuckled, "I remember that! You looked like a walking chimney."

Ron joined in, "I've had my fair share of floo powder mishaps too. The Burrow's fireplace has seen some interesting arrivals."

The trio laughed.

Ron: But Mia's never traveled by Floo powder before, Mum.
Mia: Floo Powder?
Mrs. Weasley: Oh, well, you go first, Ron. So that Mia can see how it's done. Yes. In you go. That's it.
Ron: Diagon Alley! [Ron throws down the Floo Powder and disappears in a burst of green flames]
Mrs. Weasley: You see? It's quite easy, dear. Don't be afraid. Come on. Come on. In you go.

"With her luck, she has every right to be wary,," Ron chuckled, prompting a giggle from Hermione. However, both fell silent when they noticed Mia's disapproving gaze directed at them.

Mrs. Weasley: That's it. Mind your head. That's right. Now, take your Floo powder. That's it, very good. Now, don't forget to speak very, very clearly.

Remus and Sirius felt a deep sense of sorrow. They had long anticipated the day when Mia would be old enough to experience activities such as flying a broom, visiting Diagon Alley, or attempting to travel using Floo powder. However, that day never came, leaving them feeling disheartened.

"I always thought I'd get to teach her these things, and how to fly a broom," Remus said somberly, his voice tinged with regret.

"And I imagined taking her to Diagon Alley for her first wand," Sirius added, a touch of sadness in his tone.

"It's just not fair," Remus sighed, echoing the sentiment that weighed heavily on both of them.

Mia overheard their conversation and responded with a bittersweet smile, "I may not have experienced those things first with the two of you, but I'm grateful for the time I've had with both of you. That means more to me than anything else."

Mia: Diagonally. [Mia disappears.]

Oliver interjected, his brow furrowed in frustration, "You didn't say it right.

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