"Nooo. No he hasn't. He couldn't." she giggles.

"Y/N..." you start, wondering how you're going to piece together this apology. "I'm sorry for how I acted that night. I shouldn't have said those things. I had a shitty night and I drank too much... I know that's no excuse, but it's the truth. I miss you so fucking bad. All I think about is the next time I'll get to talk to you. So seeing you out with Dave, doing what I wanted to be doing with you, just...I don't know, it struck a nerve. I know I have no right to feel like that, I just want to tell you the truth, because that's what you deserve. I'm really sorry for acting like that and I hope you can forgive me."

"Jake, I...I miss you too..." she trails off. You can tell there's more she wants to say, but she's quiet.

"Will you forgive me, baby..." you beg.

"I want to, Jake. I do. I just...We talked about this, you said–"

"I know. I know what I said. There's just something about you that makes me... I don't know. Protective." you answer, trying to find the words.

"You don't have to be protective of me, Jake." she breathes.

"I want to be." you admit.

"But we aren't...together, Jake..." she trails off.

"I know." you answer quietly, your true feelings begging to come out. "You're right. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, I just... I don't want you to flip out on me every time you see me with another guy. I don't freak out when I see pictures of you with a million girls vying for your attention, or hanging on you in photos..."

She's right, you hadn't really considered that. "I'm a fucking idiot."

"Noooo. No. You're not, you're just...on tour and missing home. That's all. This will all be over soon though, right? Only a little longer?" she asks sweetly.

"Another month, then home to you." you say, the words slipping out before you could catch them. "If you'll still have me.

"Of course I'll have you, Jake. I miss you every single day. I'll tell you again, Dave is just a friend. I actually haven't seen him outside of classes since that night. I promise, your mind is just trying to play tricks on you." she laughs.

"So... are we good? You forgive me? Got my girl back?" you ask, nervously.

"Yes and I forgive you...but you better start calling more. Bloo really does miss you. I miss you."

"Swear I'll call baby. Fuck, I can't wait to see you. Both of you." you confess.

"Can't wait to see you too, Jake. But let me go to bed, I have a long drive tomorrow with an unruly passenger." she laughs.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. I– Thanks for... calling and you know, talking. I just haven't been able to think straight since that night and I couldn't take it anymore." you say.

"No problem, sorry it's so late and all. I guess I just missed your voice." she says sweetly, and you can hear a yawn on her end of the phone.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" you ask.

"I'd like that." and you're sure you can almost hear her smile.

"Night, baby."

"Goodnight Jake." she says, ending the call.

Fucking finally.



"And you're absolutely positive it has to be Die Hard?" you ask as Josh smiles smugly on the other end of a Facetime call. He's laid back on his fluffy hotel room pillow, his freshly showered curls resting against the white fabric.

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