Chapter 22 - Hogwarts, Here We Come

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As Sirius, Harry, and Hermione made their way through the train, Padfoot got a lot of stares. When he'd notice the students, he smiled broadly and introduced himself. "Hi, I'm your new defense professor, Sirius Black. I understand that the Dementors were in here searching for me last year. They were early." It was easy to tell who had and who had not read the news that Black was innocent, based off of the reactions. Fortunately, every compartment they passed seemed to have at least one person to explain that to the others. Because of Sirius' presence, very few people noticed Harry and Hermione holding hands.

They finally reached the last compartment in the train, which had Neville, Ron, and Ginny sitting in it. "Hi guys," greeted Harry as he sat down next to Neville.

"How was your weekend trip?" asked Ginny.

"It was great," answered Sirius with a grin, "to spend a weekend at the beach."

"There were runes in the area that we got to study," added Hermione excitedly as she sat next to her boyfriend.

"They basically keep unwanted people away," explained Harry before Ron, who was rolling his eyes at Hermione, could comment. "It was a great beach."

"Harry was able to translate all the runes," Hermione continued proudly, evidently unaware that Harry was trying to save her from an argument. However, when Ron responded, he wasn't speaking to Hermione.

"Since when do you translate ancient runes, Harry?"

Harry slightly blushed. "Oh, er, Hermione's been teaching me this summer so I can drop Divination. I'm taking a test after the feast. If I pass it, I can say goodbye to Trelawney."

"Of course you'll pass it, Harry!" insisted Hermione.

"But then whose death will the old bat predict?" asked Ron. "It better not be mine."

At that moment, the door to their compartment opened, and Sirius, Harry, Hermione, and Ginny had their wands out within a second.

Taking a look around and noticing the professor and the wands, Draco's expression changed to dread for a split second, and then back to its usual sneer. Crabbe and Goyle paled. "Professor, I believe that it's against school policy to point a wand at a student like that. When my father…"

"If your filthy Death Eater father wants to do anything about it, he's welcome to try!" interrupted Sirius with venom in his voice. "I don't know what Dumbledore's playing at letting filth like you attend Hogwarts, but rest assured you and that murderer who spawned you don't scare me!"

Draco's face turned red as an angry expression filled his face. "Teachers can't talk to students like that!"

"Snape did it all the time to Harry! Why don't you and your Death Nibbler buddies find another compartment before I turn you into a ferret."

Draco sneered, "Professor's can't use transf…" At that moment instead of Draco Malfoy, a white ferret was on the floor between Crabbe and Goyle. He then started bouncing up and down as the Gryffindors laughed. Soon the ferret was placed inside Crabbe's pants and the Slytherins were pushed out of the compartment, which closed immediately.

Hermione looked like she wanted to laugh, but was resisting. "You really shouldn't have done that to Malfoy. It is against school rules. You could get in trouble."

"I will not be bullied by Death Eaters or their spawn! If I wouldn't take that from my family, I certainly won't take it from filth like that!" Sirius smiled. "Besides, it's not like I really need the job if I do get in trouble. Anyway, he'll change back in an hour."

Harry put on a straight face and decided to change the subject. "Ginny, did you get your reward from the ministry?"

The redhead smiled broadly at that. "Yes. It was 1,000 Galleons! I couldn't believe it! I bought a few things with it, but for the most part saved it."

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