Chapter 9 - Practicing Magic

Start from the beginning

Before Hermione could answer, four glasses of tea floated at them. Ginny called from the kitchen, "Hello. I thought you might be thirsty. These glasses of iced tea are charmed to always be cold, so there's no rush to drink them."

The four of them took the glasses out of the air. Mr. and Mrs. Granger seemed very impressed as they were led to the living room, where they were seated on the two recliners.

Hermione stood in front of them nervously and stated, "Er, the first things I'd like to show you are some transfiguration examples. I picked up these rocks today on the way home. Now observe." She set four rocks out of a sack she'd brought with her down in front of her parents, said the proper incantation, and they turned into a set of glass goblets with a rose sculpted on one side and a styled 'G' sculpted on the other side. She then placed another rock on the floor and transfigured it into a silver case for the set of glasses. She then put the glasses in the case and handed it to her parents.

"That's amazing," exclaimed Marissa.

Hermione sat down and Harry stood up and admitted, "I'm not as good as Hermione, but I hope you like this." He then took a rock out of the bag and turned it into a thin glass vase. He then pointed his wand at the vase and water filled it. He then took another rock and transfigured it into a carnation. He then put the flower in the vase and handed it to Mrs. Granger.

"Incredible," stated Mr. Granger.

Marissa simply said, "Thank you, Harry."

Harry sat down and Ginny got up. She explained, "I'm a year behind them, so this might not be as impressive." She then transfigured two rocks into gold cufflinks in the shape of the Gryffindor lion logo and handed them to Adam.

"Wow!" he exclaimed as he examined them.

"Just don't tell anybody what that logo is," asked Hermione, smiling as she got up. "Now, we'll demonstrate charms. I'll show you a summoning charm. Ginny put one of my books in one of the bedrooms. I don't know which. Accio, animagus book." Moments later, the book in question came floating into Hermione's hand. She sat down.

Harry then stood up and announced, "I'd like to demonstrate the cheering charm. It will make you feel happy with no side affects. Which one of you will volunteer?"

Hermione's parents looked at each other, and then Mrs. Granger said while smirking, "I'll be the brave one. You may charm me." After Harry had successfully charmed his girlfriend's mother, Ginny got back up.

"For my charm, I'll need the room to be a bit darker." After the lights were dimmed, Ginny cast, "Lumos maximus," lighting up the room with her wand.

"Excellent," responded the still cheerful Marissa Granger.

After Ginny had sat back down, Hermione got up and said, "I would demonstrate cleaning charms, but right now this place is spotless. Is there anything you'd like to see?"

After about a half hour, they'd demonstrated her parents' requests. They then decided to let Ginny give a grand tour of the house. She proudly showed a study saying, "This had threadbare black carpeting with old gray paint and a black desk when I came in here." It now had pine green carpet, wallpaper that showed scenes of a forest, and a beautiful wooden desk that looked like it had just been polished. There were wizard pictures of various big cats, one on each wall. The one on the wall facing the desk had a lion and lioness together. Another depicted a cougar, and another a panther, and the last was a tiger. "With magic, it took about a half hour to do everything in this room."

The walls in another room were painted a very light shade of grey. There was a wizard picture on each wall depicting a scene of Hogwarts. One was the image of Hogwarts, as seen from the boats first-years ride on. You could even see the backs of the students in a boat. The opposite wall contained the image of the forbidden forest, another the Great Hall, packed with students and staff, waving merrily, and the last picture was the Gryffindor common room. The floor had grey carpet. The Grangers were really interested in those pictures, once they knew what they were. It had a grayish marble table in it with comfortable grey office chairs surrounding it.

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