So that takes us to now. I'm dressed into a black short dress with nothing but sparkles covering it, pairing it with black heels and natural makeup. Everytime I watch Harry perform I'm always stuck in the memory of what life could have been. Like what if I never met Harry again after the roof? What if I never moved down to London in the first place? Would I be happy? Life changed and I could not imagine anything more perfect than the sight in front of me.

Finding my seat in the room centre at the stage but registering that the crowd is looking up and cheering. What for I don't know but I wave back with a polite smile.

"Hey birthday girl" Zayn shouts, making me look back and smile from the constant support he's given Harry no matter what and to be quite honest I don't think I would know what to do without him.

Abby and Zayn got back together which wasn't surprising with the way I could see the connection building again and both me and Harry are nothing but happy for them both. I could tell Harry was happy for them both as the look of nothing but emotion was written all over him. That's when he explained that they both drifted away from each other when Emily had passed.

"Thank you" I say embracing him in a hug.

"Oh darling, you look beautiful!" Anne hypes, making the smile glow from my cheeks. My bond with Anne became more of a motherly figure that I always had wished for within my life and nothing but happiness fills me when thinking of her. She's everything I could ask for and it's just a shame I got the love from someone else rather than my own mother.

"Thank you Anne" I whisper, making tears build.

"Harry is going to lose his mind when he sees you. Happy birthday love, I hope you have had the best day ever cause you deserve it so much" She whispers in my ear, making me do nothing but take in the comfort that she's giving me.

"I really appreciate everything you do for me, you really are like a second mum" I say when we pull back making us both look into each other's teary eyes from the conversation.

"Oh stop it, I just gave you what I gave anyone else '' She mutters but placing a kiss to my forehead makes a tear escape and run down my cheek but she catches it before anyone could notice. "Now enjoy your night because you only turn 21 once." I nod as we all fall into our own conversations before the lights turn off and screams fill the surroundings.

My boy

The beginning of Golden begins to play making the atmosphere into an environment of kindness and judgement free. It's the part of the show you can really feel. The amount of love he has in one room can make my heart burst.

Then comes Only Angel making me blush throughout the song as I stood next to his mum. He jumps around on the stage like something else making me smile, life something else. He occasionally looks up and smirks knowing what he's doing. I love him but sometimes he can be a pain in my ass.

"Hi my name is Harry and it's an absolute pleasure to play in this room tonight. I cannot believe the amount of people here it's really nerve wrecking" He laughs into the microphone making everyone just scream. Yeah me too people me too.

"We are going to play some new ones and some old ones but first this is a very special show for someone in the crowd so let's make it special for her!" He smiles up at me pointing while he's talking. Oh he's in for it as long as he doesn't get the crowd to sing happy birthday to me then he's in the good books.

"Let's goo" He brings in Lights up making me zone out and reflect on the last 23 years. Do you know who you are? Maybe I do, maybe I don't but I know this is the place I belong.

The song continues before playing another two songs and everything goes quiet. People around me bring up their torches making me wonder what's happening.

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