The Encounter

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Warning: mention of bullying,violence (description of cuts,blood ect) and name calling/profanity (asshole ect)

Abby's pov:
I begin to run after my parting with neville, i end up at the ravenclaw dorm doors just in time so i encounter other ravenclaw students heading in. I slip into the common room and figure out were i am going and i get told that i will be in a room sharing with only one other person, weird..

I go to my room and see my belongings protruding from beneath the bed farthest from the door, it was situated next to a window which looks like you could sit on.
I see someone who i guess is my roommate come out of the bathroom next to the door,she has long blonde hair and was wearing a light blue dressing gown which complemented her eyes.

She notices me after she ties up her hair in a messy bun yet it makes her features look more defined. She introduced herself as luna lovegood,'im Abby Hudson, nice to meet you' i reply with a friendly smile.

'So im guessing your new since i haven't seen your face before' 'uhhhh.. ya i am, were you not at the hall when the sorting was happening?' After a second of silence she explains that she wasn't at the sorting as she was feeding animals in the woods, that would explain the mud underneath her fingernails. Oh well she seems nice.

After a while of more talking i set up my bed a some of my belongings i go to sleep excited for my first day of classes.i hope i have my classes with my new friends....especially Neville. No special reason of coarse its just because we connected more today....right.

The next day:

I woke up to the sound of my alarm 6:45 so tired.
I turn off my alarm so i dont wake up luna before she wants to.
My eyes are directed to the flower that i placed there from yesterday, Neville's flower i feel my cheeks heat up but i brush it off and head to the bathroom.

I finish getting ready and get into my uniform and tie up my hair and put on my headphones and leave the dorm, i woke up earlier than a lot of people so i could learn what classes i have for the day and so i can get a good seat in the great hall for breakfast.

I hear loud yelling behind me and see a group of people in slytherin robes coming towards me and throwing stuff outside. ' hey is that the new girl?' 'Yeah, we should get her, show her whose boss' i hear them converse.
My heart starts to beat faster as i grow nervous as i make eye contact with a boy with slick back light blonde hair, he must be the "leader" of the group because everyone is following him and trying to copy his movements.

He starts to call me names as he approaches me i try to walk faster in the opposite direction but he begins to sprint towards me. Out of panic i try to sprint aswell but i end up catching my foot on my robe causing me to trip, i hear the group laughing at me as he starts to approach and snicker at my fallen state.

'Were do you think your going bitch' he snickers as his friends start to surround me.'what do you want?' I ask with a shaky voice 'we want to show you were you stand in this school'
Why didn't i just get up at a normal time like everyone else.

Neville's pov:
I woke up at my normal time which happens to be at 7:00 i like to wake up at this time so i can see the sunrise while its still peaceful.

I get dressed and head downstairs quietly so i dont wake up the others.
I start to walk down the halls discretely as i remember that draco and his friends like to get up early aswell, i take my usual short cut but i stop my movements when i hear laughing, mocking shortly after some faint crying.

I recognize the voices mocking as draco and his goons so they are most likely bullying someone like always, i usually don't intrude on his actions as he is most definitely going to make it worse for me but for some reason i felt like i had to help, its like i lost control of my feet and i was getting guided by something else.

I snuck around the corner peering out the side of the wall trying to see who his 'victim' was but all i could see was the robe of a ravenclaw student, as i approached closer to the group i see a pair of broken headphones on the floor they looked like they had been stepped on with great force, i inspect the headphones further and realise that they are her headphones.... Abby's headphones..
Oh. God

I rush into the scene trying to break it up,'hey let her go!'
'Oh look its longbottom trying to save his little girlfriend' draco remarks, 'yeah,well at least i have one' i shoot back, why did i say that! Im in for it now.
I look up to see draco's furious expression and he starts to leave the circle surrounding Abby and due to him moving the rest of the bunch do aswell.
With the swift movement of his hand he points towards me as if he is saying to the other to get me without having to say it verbally.

They all charge towards me as i begin to run away, i lose them by the moving stairs and using my short cut i circle back to where Abby is.

I cautiously approach her body and i hear her groaning most likely from the pain. She hesitates to look up but once she realises its me she practically jumps at me to bring me into a hug.
I savour the feeling as she repeatedly thanks me for my bravery, this makes my cheeks flush but ive got more important things to worry about.

I slowly pull back from the embrace to acknowledge the damage that draco did, she had a busted lip that was dripping blood , her face was bruised and red probably from kicking and she was bleeding from her forehead, cheeks and eye. Her eyes were puffy and red due to her crying and being hit.

My heart breaks at the sight of her and the pain she must be going through, 'im so sorry this happend to you' 'its ok its not your fault it was that asshole and his friends fault' she tries to laugh to make me feel better but i think that it was for her more than me.

I help her up and wrap her arm around my shoulder so i can help her walk, i get the idea of going Hermione since i cant do the spell to help her cuts. I distinctly remember Hermione is usually in the library at this time probably reading some book about creatures or something . I quickly drag Abby along with me through the doors as i call for Hermione, ' Hermoine...are you in here?' I call out in a kind of panic. I see a dark silhouette emerging from the darkness with only a lamp being my only light available.

I meet Hermoine in the middle as she starts to spot the drapped body across my sholders.'Jesus Neville ,who is this and what happened!?' She exclaims.
'Draco happened, and this is Abby can you help her?' i notice she is knocked out so i help her sit back in a chair and turn on the lamp closest to her so Hermoine can see what she is working with.
As i turn on the light i hear Hermoine let out a shriek of shock as she examines Abby's cuts and bruises.

'When did this happen?' 'just a few moments ago but i think it started a while before i woke up' i said with a hint of sadness in my tone.
'Why did you bring her to me and not madam pumfry?' I look up at Hermione averting my gaze from Abby for the first time in a while.

'I didnt want her to wake up in a place she didnt know with nobody around,and i thought she wouldnt want to miss her first day of classes '
'Ok well i can try but you will have to come back after breakfast since she had taken a lot of damage'she says in a sorry tone with a hint of sadness in her eyes.
'Oh..alright well ill see you soon ok and please tell her that i said bye and ill be back soon if she wakes up'
She nods to me as i back up slowly not wanting to leave but I knew i had to meet up with the others or they would know something is wrong.

Sorry for not uploading in so long and sorry for the length of this chapter but ill try to update as soon as i can. Thank you for reading:)

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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