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"That was so cool" Sirius said as they were leaving the venue to go home

"That was awesome I didn't want it to end" James replied as they walked around a corner there met with the sight of the crew putting there instruments inside the van they had, hearing someone talk cause Elliot to turn and look over his shoulder, lit cig hanging out his mouth he takes a drag and holds it between his fingers while he keeps looking at the group of boys.

"Oi Eli"


"You got a light?"

"Ye here" without a second thought he pulled out his wand and produced a small flame from it holding it out to juniper "thanks, what you looking at?"she replied after lighting her own fag   making the flame go out and putting his wand back away in the pocket of his jacket Elliot jabs his thumb to there left without saying anything, juniper nodes in understanding .

Elliot moved to put his guitar in the back of the van as he watched the four boys out the corner of his eye.

looking over he accidentally made eye contact with the tallest of the group winked at him and continued to pack the van, "we done?" he shouted to his band 

"yeah" they responded 

"awesome, grey go get our money so we can head home we got like 3 more days of summer and a gig we need get school supplies" Elliot looked around as Greyson when inside making eye contact with the group of boys that haven't really moved since they first saw the band "hey is your head ok?" he said to James 

"huh? oh yeah its ok" James replied looking up at him rubbing his head "good I didn't mean to hit you with it by the way" 

James just nodded at him 

"im Elliot" he said making his way closer to them holding his hand out for them to shake 

"James" he said taking his hand 

"Sirius" following James lead 

"Peter" squeaked out the smallest of the group

"remus" the one Elliot winked at 5 minutes earlier added 

Elliot gave remus a strange look and slightly chuckled at him "nice jumper" remus looked down at the 'grandad' styled jumper he was wearing "you like it?" he asked with a smile on his face making everyone around them extremely confused 

"yeah actually I do, wonder where you got it from" Elliot replyed matching remus' grin.

Sirius looked between the two with an annoyed looked on his face "you two wanna involve the rest of in on what's happening here?" remus looked at Sirius 

"no" "not really" remus and elliot said at them same time, there interaction was cut there as grey returned from inside the venue "that is my cue to leave it was awesome meeting you guys, lupin see you guys around" giving the tallest a nod and a smile he turned and walked back to the van so they could go home

the marauders watched as the van drove down the street away from them.

"soo that happened you got anything you wanna tell you moony?" 

"nope" he said walking away making the others run after him 


prince speaks-


its been a while uh happy 2024 ig

im trying to get back into the swing of writing again so there should be more updates 

OH also 

THANK YOU FOR 350 READS that's insane to me 

would like to clarify that I am British its my first language im just very dyslexic so if a line dont make sense or something spelt wrong tell me

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