" Because I'm telling you." Laurel replied

" He misses you when you guys are gone." She adds

" Yeah, but he'll see us at the end of summer." Belly reminds

" no, he'll be here on the fourth." Laurel informs

Felicity and belly looked at each other with confused faces

" He's coming here." Felicity questions

" Of course, he always comes for the fourth." Laurel said likes its obvious

" He didn't come last summer." Belly states

Laurel sighs " because we'd just gotten divorced. " We're good now."

" Where Mr. Fisher?" Felicity asked changing the subject

" Oh, his in London. They got him going back and forth. He will join us later in the summer." Susannah said

" For now, it's just the woman and the children, just the way we like it." Susannah smiles as the girls also smile


Felicity and belly walk upstairs to their rooms. Felicity stops at her door sighing before turning the nob opening her door. She walks in putting her suitcase on the bed.

Her walls were pink with sea shells on it. A four gold metal poster bed. Felicity runs her hands threw her white comforter that has a big fluffy white blanket laying across the bed. She has a matching table stand and dresser. Her vanity sits by her closet. The full length minor was by her attach bathroom that was closed.

She also has a bay window seat with pillows on it and drawers at the bottom that she keeps her extra blankets and pillows in it. The window looks over the backyard and pool. She is in the middle of belly and Jeremiah room. Felicity looked over to her Polaroid photo wall and smiled at all the pictures she took over the summers.

Her eyes then shifted to her dresser where a polar bear was sitting next to a purple Polaroid camera.

Felicity picked up the bear smiling " hi, junior mint."

Jeremiah comes in the room flopping on her bed.

" I can't believe you still have that bear." Jeremiah said

" Duh, I will never throw away junior mint." Felicity said Putting him on the bed

She being to unpack putting her clothes in the drawers

" Come on, let's go swim before dinner, please." Jeremiah pleased

" I can't. We have to go with our mom to wake of a tale." Felicity says

" All man, I've been wanting to go in the ocean all day, but I've been wanting for you guys to get here." Jeremiah said

" Please."

" Pretty please. Pretty please!" Jeremiah begs grabbing junior mint moving his arms

Felicity laughs then smiles " yeah, screw it. Let's go swimming

Jeremiah jumps up from the bed in excitement

" yes. All right, I'll meet you guys outside, okay." Jeremiah said

" okay, we'll be down." Felicity says as Jere leaves going next door to belly's

Felicity shuts her door going to her dresser finding a bikini and puts it on. She waits for Belly then they go downstairs together.

 She waits for Belly then they go downstairs together

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A/n: another chapter done and yes everyone has their own bathroom

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A/n: another chapter done and yes everyone has their own bathroom.

All Too Well ~ Conrad And Jeremiah Fisher Where stories live. Discover now