The Solitary Song

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In the vast field she wanders alone
Like a lonely soul with a beautiful tone
A pure voice sings the past
Echoing through time, a song that shall last

With every note she finds peace
She finds her way through the vast field
Singing to herself she stops
For she heard an instrumental tune pass

They turn to each other
The melancholy song turns to fate
And she joined his melodious tune
Together they entwined, a harmonious bend

In the vast field their music took flight
A flute and an euphonic voice made heights
A duet of emotions it was
As if a lonely soul had been connected to a lonely body

Not to be compared with a Nightingale
Much less be let a Canary
Under the Fate's shed they walked
But Fate had a plan

The Voice, alone in the field waiting for the Flute
She sang evey sunset seeking for him
But he never seemed to find the right route
They say till date she waits

For the one, she acknowledges
She has a heart of loneliness
Still she goes on with her solitary song
Leaves a melancholy strain in every's heart!

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