Everyone in the realm celebrated the marvelous news of Daemon's son.

As Baelon got older, Daemon's biggest fear became true.

His son looked like his mother.

Baelon didn't inherit his silver hair, his hair was dark brown that looked black — like his mother. He did have his fathers purple eyes and his dragon egg hatched which he named Grey Ghost.

But a lot of his physical aspects were similar to his mother or her family — not to Daemons.

The Vale got used to seeing the boy riding his dragon through all over the place. He became a dragonrider at the age of ten — a few years after his cousin, Princess Rhaenyra.

Baelon splits his time in the Vale and on King's Landing and sometimes even on Driftmark. He was very well liked and loved by a lot of people, something he didn't share with his father.

He loves his mother, he tolerates his father.

His father is rarely in Runestone. The times where he comes by is simply to see his son. He later leaves and Baelon sometimes wished his father tried, just tried and stayed a little longer with him. Sometimes Baelon prayed that his father was suddenly hit by a lightning that completely changes his thinking and he comes and stays to be a full family with his mother Rhea. Baelon knows that will never happen. Their parents have a mutual hate for each other, his mother just tries a little bit more than him.

"Leaving already?" asked Baelon's good friend, Yrsa Stone.

Baelon turned around to face her. He was fixing his hair, he didn't have to grab anything else since he had his own clothes in his private chambers in the Red Keep. "Yes. The King will host a tournament for his future new child. I have to be there for Rhaenyra."

"If the child even survives." Yrsa mumbled, yet that wasn't enough because Baelon heard everything clearly.


"I'm sorry, Baelon. But you know how I feel, the poor Queen has lost so many children. Is about time the King accepts he will not have the son he so desperately desires." She sighed. "He should just name you heir and be done with it."

Baelon chuckled as if she made the greatest joke ever. "Please, no. Anyone but me. I don't want the burdens that come with that throne. I prefer it here. Runestone is the only place I will lead."

Baelon is the only heir his mother has. After she passes, her seat at Runestone goes to him. From Prince to a Lord. He likes it. He doesn't mind. He certainly doesn't feel like a complete Prince to begin with.

"You have such weird thoughts." Yrsa smirked. "I'm going to miss you when you are gone."

"No need." He looked at her smirking as well. Yrsa tilted her head to the side and one brow raised in confusion. "I want you to come with me to King's Landing."

Her eyes widened. "Are you serious?"

Baelon nodded.

"I don't think the King will appreciate you bringing a bastard with you — or your father."

"My father," His hands were suddenly in a fist and Baelon cleared his throat, "doesn't need to mind what I do. I want you there with me. You're my friend. As much as I love spending time with my cousin, she will be too busy being around Lady Alicent Hightower. Believe me, it is a little bit annoying at times." He snickered. He doesn't mind Lady Alicent at all. In truth, he likes her company. Baelon sometimes wished he had more alone time with his cousin.

Yrsa stood quiet. She wondered whether she should go or not. She has never been to Kings Landing and stepping foot at the Red Keep will be a complete new wonder for her. Here at Runestone, Yrsa helps him with everything he needs whether it is clothes, food, conversations, drinks, even a bloody bath — Yrsa helps him in anything. She is always there for him no matter what.

She breaks the silence. "Alright, Baelon. I will go with you." Baelon smiled in return. "I will tell Viktor to prepare a carriage — "

"No need."

Yrsa crossed her arms together. "No need?"

"Yrsa, my dear friend, you're forgetting I have a dragon."

Prince Baelon Targaryen

Prince Baelon Targaryen

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