Oooh, I Quite Like This One ;)

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This one's meant to be a lil' lesbian, but since I didn't specify the gender of the narrator, you could read it however.  - Ives

She threw me against the wall and strode toward me, her staff glowing red.

"You're a monster!" I cried.

"Oh, yes. I know," she replied, lowering her staff.

"How could you do this to your home?" I asked, gritting my teeth as my shoulder blades dug into the wall.

"It was quite easy, actually," she said.

I glared at her. "You're insane."

"Yes," she said. "That's why I'm going to do this."

She shoved herself against me and pressed her lips against mine.

I gasped, both from pain and surprise.

I pushed her away. I tried to say something, to tell her to get away or maybe insult her again, but no sound came from my mouth.

She smiled creepily, twisting a blonde lock of hair around her pale finger. She laughed, a scary, evil kind of sound.

I wanted to get away. I needed to get away. I squirmed and writhed, but her magic held me firm against the wall.

I was going to die here, wasn't I?

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