The Beast of Guadalcanal

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They called themselves the Solomon Seekers, a group of four religious leaders from different faiths who shared a common interest in the mysteries of the islands. They had met at a conference in Honiara, the capital of the Solomon Islands, and decided to form a team to explore the legends and lore of their homeland. They had a radio show, a blog, and a loyal following of listeners and readers who enjoyed their stories and insights.

The Solomon Seekers consisted of Father John, a Catholic priest; Sister Mary, a Protestant nun; Brother Ali, a Muslim imam; and Rabbi Levi, a Jewish rabbi. They respected each other's beliefs and learned from each other's perspectives. They also had a sense of humor and adventure that made their journeys fun and exciting.

One day, they received an invitation from a village chief in another part of Guadalcanal, the largest island in the archipelago. He claimed that his people were being terrorized by something evil that lurked in the nearby forest. He begged them to come and help them find a solution. The Solomon Seekers agreed to take on the challenge and packed their bags and equipment.

They arrived at the village after a long and bumpy ride on a truck. The chief welcomed them warmly and offered them food and drink. He then told them the story of the evil that plagued his people.

"It started a few months ago," he said. "We heard strange noises in the night, like growls and howls and screams. We thought it was just some wild animals, but then we found the bodies. Animals and people, torn apart and mutilated. Some of them were missing their hearts or their heads. We were terrified and prayed to our ancestors and gods for protection. But the attacks continued. We tried to set traps and guard the village, but nothing worked. We don't know what it is or where it comes from. We only know that it is evil and that it wants to kill us all."

The Solomon Seekers listened with horror and sympathy. They asked the chief some questions about the creature, but he had little to offer. He said that no one had ever seen it clearly, only glimpses of a dark and hairy shape that moved fast and silently. He said that it had no pattern or preference in its victims, that it killed anyone and anything that crossed its path. He said that it only came out at night, and that it avoided the light. He said that it had a foul smell, like rotting flesh and blood.

The Solomon Seekers thanked the chief for his information and promised to do their best to help. They decided to spend the night in the village and investigate the forest the next day. They hoped to find some clues or evidence that would reveal the nature and origin of the beast.

The next morning, they set out for the forest, armed with cameras, recorders, sensors, and weapons. They also brought some local guides who knew the area well. They entered the forest cautiously, scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. They followed a trail that led to the site of the last attack, where they found a gruesome scene. The remains of a goat and a man lay on the ground, ripped and shredded. The blood stained the soil and the trees. The smell was unbearable.

The Solomon Seekers examined the scene carefully, taking pictures and samples. They noticed that the wounds were deep and jagged, as if made by sharp claws and teeth. They also noticed that the heart and the head of the man were missing, as if taken as trophies or offerings. They wondered what kind of creature could do such a thing, and why.

They continued their search, hoping to find more clues or traces of the beast. They followed the tracks that led deeper into the forest, where the trees grew thicker and darker. They felt a chill in the air, and a sense of dread in their hearts. They felt that they were being watched, and that they were not welcome.

They reached a clearing, where they saw a large cave. The entrance was covered with bones and skulls, some of them human. The smell was worse than before, and the noise was louder. They heard the growls and howls and screams that the chief had described. They realized that they had found the lair of the beast.

They looked at each other, wondering what to do. They knew that they had to face the beast, but they also knew that they were risking their lives. They decided to stick together and enter the cave, hoping to find a way to stop the evil that threatened the village and the island.

They entered the cave, holding their flashlights and weapons. They saw more bones and skulls, some of them fresh and bloody. They saw piles of fur and flesh, some of them still moving. They saw symbols and writings on the walls, some of them familiar and some of them unknown. They saw a large altar, where a fire burned and a heart and a head were placed. They saw the beast, sitting on a throne of bones, holding a staff of skulls. It was a monstrous creature, half-human and half-animal, with horns and hooves and wings and tails. It had red eyes and black teeth and claws and scales. It had a necklace of ears and a belt of fingers. It had a crown of thorns and a cloak of feathers. It was the embodiment of evil, and it was waiting for them.

The beast roared and rose from its throne, ready to attack. The Solomon Seekers stood their ground, ready to fight. They prayed to their gods and invoked their faiths. They used their skills and knowledge and tools. They faced the beast with courage and determination. They fought the beast with all their might.

The battle was fierce and long, with blood and fire and screams. The beast was strong and fast and cunning, but the Solomon Seekers were brave and smart and united. They wounded the beast and weakened it, but the beast wounded them and hurt them. They lost their weapons and equipment, but the beast lost its staff and cloak. They reached the altar and the fire, but the beast reached them and grabbed them. They struggled and resisted, but the beast overpowered them and lifted them. They saw the heart and the head, but the beast saw their hearts and their heads. They screamed and prayed, but the beast laughed and spoke.

"I am the lord of this island, and you are my guests. I have been waiting for you, for you are the ones I need. You are the ones who can give me what I want. You are the ones who can make me complete. You are the ones who can make me the king of the world. You are the ones who can make me a god."

The beast opened its mouth and bit their necks, tearing their flesh and drinking their blood. It took their hearts and their heads, adding them to its collection. It threw their bodies into the fire, burning them to ashes. It smiled and roared, feeling a surge of power and pleasure. It felt a change in its body and soul, a transformation and a transcendence. It felt a new level of existence and awareness, a new dimension of reality and possibility. It felt a new name and a new purpose, a new destiny and a new mission. It felt a new challenge and a new enemy, a new target and a new prey. It felt a new hunger and a new thirst, a new desire and a new need. It felt a new vision and a new voice, a new message and a new command.

It looked at the sky and the stars, and it saw the world and the universe. It saw the islands and the continents, and it saw the people and the nations. It saw the religions and the cultures, and it saw the gods and the demons. It saw the past and the future, and it saw the fate and the doom. It saw the war and the peace, and it saw the life and the death. It saw the light and the dark, and it saw the good and the evil.

It chose the dark and the evil, and it rejected the light and the good. It chose the war and the death, and it rejected the peace and the life. It chose the doom and the fate, and it rejected the future and the past. It chose the demons and the gods, and it rejected the cultures and the religions. It chose the nations and the people, and it rejected the continents and the islands. It chose the universe and the world, and it rejected the stars and the sky.

It spoke to the world and the universe, and it said its name and its purpose. It said its destiny and its mission, and it said its challenge and its enemy. It said its target and its prey, and it said its hunger and its thirst. It said its desire and its need, and it said its vision and its voice. It said its message and its command, and it said its power and its pleasure.

It said:

"I am the Beast, and I am here to destroy. I am the King, and I am here to rule. I am the God, and I am here to create. I am the Evil, and I am here to end. I am the Darkness, and I am here to consume. I am the Death, and I am here to kill. I am the Doom, and I am here to seal. I am the Fate, and I am here to decide. I am the Enemy, and I am here to fight. I am the Prey, and I am here to hunt. I am the Hunger, and I am here to feed. I

Paranormal House: Honiaraحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن