Chapter Three

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(Hey, guys Washinton here, I know it's been forever since I updated this, and I just didn't know how to start this chapter and it's kind of difficult to come up with chapter not basing it on the episode, but I'll do my best)

Third Pov.

The attack on German forces spread like wildfire even when German news lied the casualties and the so claim "Resistance died" some believed but most see the real truth and for the Japanese this was a shocking occurrence never imagine a Resistance killed that many troops this put troops high alert.

As for the Marines they were on move in truck leaving New York with no trace to trail. They avoid German checkpoints and patrols and fortunate for Jack who was raise and born in New York known the routs even for 60 years in the past.

Jack who was driving, Jacob in passenger seat, Steward in the middle between Jack and Jacob while the rest of the marines in the back with no roof holding on to the wooden walls.

They soon hit bump on the road cause to truck to bounce.

Josh: Hey, asshole watch your driving we could fall off.

Jack: Sorry.

Josh: How come he's driving? I got the best driving skills.

Jacob: Well, one thing for sure, Corporal, Jack was raised in New York, and he knows the paths and the layout.

Josh: Yeah, but why he's driving he suck at this.

Brad: And your dose not.

Josh: Brad, I'm hurt. You know my driving is better than speed racer over there.

Brad: Last time you drive me into middle of ambush.

Josh: How was I supposed to know it was an ambush.

Brad: You didn't pay attention.

As both marines bickering Jack notice something different on the road as he slows down the truck soon come to halt at intersection.

Jacob: Why did you stop private?

Jack: The road is different.

Jacob: What?

Jack: Come I'll show you.

Jacob: Marine set up a perimeter.

The Marines get the truck as Brad moves behind a tree look toward east, Josh join him. Aaron aims towards the west kneeling. Peter watch there behind. Mark watches the front.

Jack: There were only three roads to take. *Points forward* This road goes to Canada. Our left goes to town call Maryland. The one behind us New York city.

Steward: We go to Canada its safer for us and we can plan what to do next.

Jack: Wait I'm not done. The one to our right is new or different.

Jacob: What do you mean?

Jack: There trees, the grown covered in dirt, and sign. There is no road here. This leads somewhere.

Jacob: It could be another outpost.

Steward: Or dead end. We should move on.

Jack: Sir, we should investigate.

Steward: No, private, we need get out of here before the men in grey jumpers catch up to us.

Jack: Sir, trust me on this. I never seen this road either just disappear or it was cover up.

The captain was thinking of his options either chose this road or go to Canada either way they have to move, or the Germans would catch up to them.

Jacob: Ok Jack you got this one. We are going to head into the forest while you and peter take the truck and go down the road.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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