Chapter One // 'Society is just an individual after all!' //

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A monotone voice repeated for the third time this afternoon. It came from the mouth of a tall, stressed looking man with long blonde hair.

He held both a clipboard and a pen in one hand, while nervously pushing his glasses up his nose again, presumably because it slipped down because of sweat.

It was simply boiling in the dressing room after all, so that wouldn't be weird.

The only one who didn't seem bothered by the heat was the owner of the voice that answered.


The words sounded almost like it wasn't a grown man, but a young child talking. Not any young child though, but a child who just wouldn't take anything seriously, a child who was always making jokes, no matter the situation. A child who was bored with being so serious all the time, and just wanted to have fun.

The face of the man was longer than average, with a pointy chin. You could describe the overall shape as looking like a rectangle with a fairly round top. His- pretty dark- brown hair wasn't pointy like that at all, quite the opposite, actually.

He had curly hair, though because he had let it grow, the curls got stretched out a bit, making the hair seem more on the wavy side then the curly one. One strand of hair that fell just between his eyes had two ends that both pointed outwards to the complete opposite side of each other.

Of course, none of this was accidental. Every single lock of hair was carefully manipulated to point the correct direction by his team.

'Tsushima please- be serious for once! This is an important play.'

'Eh? But aren't all performances important? That's what you said the other day, Mister Kunikida~!'

The poor man let out a sigh. Kunikida was known for being overly precise all the time, but when it was about Dazai, his co-workers couldn't blame him. Everyone got annoyed by him, there was no escaping it. The brunette smirked. He knew this all too well.

Suddenly, another voice could be heard coming from the next room.

'Dazai, now's not the time!'

It had been Yosano Akiko, another actress who almost always worked together with Dazai. Mainly because she was the only person he actually took advice from, but also because she was just simply very good at what she did. Yosano wasn't the type to slack around, yet came nowhere near Kunikida's level of seriousness.

'Kay!', Dazai said in return.

A few new workers turned their heads at Dazai all at the same time.

'Eh? Did Mr. Dazai just agree to something? And it was only asked once?!'

But Kunikida waved it off.

'That's Yosano. If Dazai ever refuses to do something, just remember to call her and tell her to tell Dazai he has to do it. That way, all your problems will dissolve into thin air. Well'-

He looked at Dazai, who was still throwing a tantrum like a spoiled toddler.

-'...Maybe not all of them.'

Kunikida felt a tap on his shoulder and he looked around, ready to say something like: 'Can't you see I'm busy?', or 'Not now, sorry!'. But it was Yosano.

The woman had a sharp chin just like Dazai, but a much friendlier face overall. She had black, borderline purple hair of medium length. It was cut in bangs and she was wearing a golden butterfly pin just above her left ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2023 ⏰

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