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beauty in all that's her

Jing Yuan was on one of his usual walks around the alchemy commission which was part of his recovery treatment handed to him by Bailu

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Jing Yuan was on one of his usual walks around the alchemy commission which was part of his recovery treatment handed to him by Bailu. Yanqing as always accompanied him to make sure he was alright.

"General, what did you do yesterday evening?" Yanqing asked, knowing that his master had something to hide. He looked at Jing Yuan from the corner of his eye, little did the poor boy know that he had curated the perfect response if such a question was ever asked.

"I retired to my room, of course," he said, trying to sound nonchalant to make it appear even more believable. "Oh really? I heard there's a picture circulating online of someone who looks a lot like you walking around Aurum Valley yesterday evening. However, the person in the picture wore a mask and regular Xianzhou clothing, so most people believe it's not you."

"I can assure you that it can't be me... and why would I go to Aurum Valley of all places? it could even be that poser who goes around saying that he's my younger brother... what's his name again Jing..."

"Jing Fang?" Jing Yuan snapped his fingers. "Yeah that guy" If he didn't train to be a swordsman, Jing Yuan would be a fine storyteller. He has excuses for any situation.

"That could be a possibility... but why would Miss y/n hang out with that fraud" Oh no... there's a hole in his plot.

Whenever Yanqing and Jing Yuan played star chess, Jing Yuan always hid some of the pieces in his hair to claim an easy win. Yes, it's cheating but that's only if you get caught, secondly, it's not hurting anyone, is it? (Yanqings pride?!?)

"Have you been taking care of my quarters Yanqing" he changed the subject nonchalantly. He looked over at his retainer to see his face contort into one of embarrassment. "I'll do that first thing I get there tomorrow General"

"Good" And this time he didn't even require hiding things in his hair.

His routine walk came to an end as he retired back to his room, bored once again. Yanqing had left since he had to fulfil his other duties which meant he was left alone again. His best company being the walls and the sounds of life. The wall clock showed that it was already seven in the evening.

He waited for a text from you the entire day but not one has he received. Maybe you got busy with the train, he gave you the benefit of the doubt. one hour turned to two, two to three, three to five...

"What's taking her so long..." He muttered under his breath before he took matters into his own hands and decided to be the first one to send a text. But he also didn't want to sound clingy so he decided to thank you for last night.

"Miss y/n I'd like to thank you for the previous night, I enjoyed your company
and hope you did mine."

"Is it too formal? Could be..." He changed the words up until he was satisfied with the outcome and hit send. And to his surprise, you responded to him almost immediately.

"General, forgive me for not texting you today, the conductor wanted to talk with me about the next stop so that took some time.

"And yes I did indeed enjoy your company"

"Next stop huh..." he sent a text back.

"It's quite alright miss y/n"

"But if I may be so bold to ask you. What's it like to travel the galaxy?"

Oh, how Jing Yuan wished that he too could travel amongst the stars. Suppose it weren't for his loyalty to his position. He would have packed his bags and set for the stars at the first chance he'd get.

"Well it has its ups and downs but if you're asking me it's wonderful"

"seeing different places and meeting new people"

"the experience in itself is worth all the little inconveniences that spring out of nowhere"

Now he wished that he wasn't that loyal to his position. Think about it, Him and the women of his dreams riding through the galaxy as every star and debris passes by in the background. He was fascinated and he wanted to know more.

"Perhaps the next time you come you could perhaps tell me about your travels"

He was genuinely curious, his mundane life on the Luofu can't compare to what you probably have experienced.

"I'd love to! Let me see if I can send some photos for now but when I come to visit I'll try to get some files from the data bank to show you"

" :)"

*y/n l/n has sent 20 images*

That was quick, he thought while pressing the images. There was one picture of you on the express looking over at a planet. You seemed to be a bit younger in the image. You've probably been on the express for a while now he assumed and looked through every one of them. One thing hasn't changed though. That smile of yours seemed to have not changed. You truly are a beauty. He smiled softly and zoomed closer to your face.

"I'd send you more but I don't wanna take up your storage so I'll show you more during my visit"

Now why would he mind that his storage is all used up just because you sent him images? Anything from you is a blessing. He wouldn't even mind buying extra storage and a new phone just for this. (Simp)

"That'd be lovely miss y/n"

The thought 'what if' kept recurring in his train of thoughts. What if he never became General? What if he never learnt under his former master? What if the life he had now could be easily exchanged for something else? It's useless thinking like this, he snapped himself out of it.

There is always a choice in life. The path he chose brought him honour and suffering, the other is only for fate to know.

It finally struck Jing Yuan that spending this much time in a hospital room has made him think more philosophically than usual. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing but he rather not contemplate his life choice and think of other outcomes that would have been if not for the choices he had made.

He looked at his nightstand and saw that it was already an hour past midnight. "Now I'm simply losing golden sleep time" He muttered to himself before he made himself comfortable.

Today was surprisingly duller than all other days. But there's always tomorrow (it already is) for a change. And besides, you'll be coming to visit him either way so there's no way that tomorrow will end up any duller than this. With that thought to comfort him, the dear dozing general was whisked away to the land of slumber.

 With that thought to comfort him, the dear dozing general was whisked away to the land of slumber

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏 𝐎𝐍𝐄  ☆ JING YUANحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن