"I won't hurt you," I assured him.

I walked to the shower, let the water run for a few seconds before placing him underneath. His body arched at the touch of the cold water, and he let out a low murmur. With my hands on his back, I made circular motions to relieve the nausea he must be feeling. It seemed to work, as his eyes closed, and his body relaxed while I made the movements.

After a few minutes, I handed him a robe that he put on, and I helped him back to bed.

"I want to go to my place."

"You can go in the morning," I replied, lying on the bed next to him again. From the window, I could see that the sky was gray, and the clock marked 2 am; it was still the middle of the night.

Pete turned on the bed, making us face each other.

"Did you kill Zach?" His face showed fatigue and sadness.

"No," I replied without thinking much.

"Do you know who killed him?"

"Nothing is as simple as it seems; I'm not sure."

Pete's eyes were closing again, and a few minutes of silence later, he fell asleep.

I woke up early, as usual; the clock read 6 am. I looked to the side, and Pete was still sleeping deeply, probably still under the influence of yesterday's drug. The corner of his mouth was red from the punch he took yesterday. That idiot trying to stir up trouble in my club again, and this time he missed the target. I got up, took a shower, and got dressed to go for a run.

Before leaving, I looked again at the bed, and he was still sleeping.

The day was rainy, a bit cold, exactly how I liked it for running. There weren't many people on the street at this hour, and with this weather, it was practically deserted.

I ran for almost an hour, and on the way back, I stopped at the café a bit before reaching my building and bought two large cups of coffee.

As soon as I opened the apartment door, I found Pete sitting on the sofa.

"Feeling better?" I asked while closing the door.

"I don't know. I don't remember much of what happened yesterday."

"Here," I said, handing him one of the coffee cups I had in my hand. "It'll make you feel better."

"Thanks," he took a sip of the coffee.

"I don't want to see you in my club again."

"Again with this? I already told you, you don't control me. And I need to find out what happened to Zack, and apparently, there are answers there."

"Next time, I won't help you," I replied irritated, sitting on the sofa.

"As far as I remember, I didn't ask for your help," he said, getting up and heading toward the door, wearing a white T-shirt and blue shorts, both of which were mine.

"You don't know what you're getting into."

"If you don't want me back in your club, tell me what you know."

"It's not my obligation to tell you anything. If you don't know who you're sleeping with, it's your problem."

"Idiot!" He threw the cup with a little coffee in my direction, hitting my arm and falling to the floor. I stood up so quickly that within seconds, I was next to him, holding his arm.

"I already warned you. I don't want to see you in my club anymore." I was angry; my voice sounded louder than expected, and my hand still gripped his arm, leaving a red mark where I held it.

BAD LIAR - VEGASPETE ( ENGLISH VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now