Prologue Part 2

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"This is trippy as fuck.¨ You mutter to yourself, trying to ease yourself. You were walking to the graveyard, it wasn't quite dark yet but it definitely wasn't early in the day. You did want to go, but you were still on your nerves, as anyone would be. After all, you don't know if it's only the apartments that were haunted. And you knew they were, because when the door closed, none of the windows in that apartment were open, and that door didn't have a working lock. But there was no going back now. You wanted to see whatever else they would let you see if you went to the place they were most active.
Luckily, that wasn't hard, because it was a quick walk. Whispers similar to the ones from the apartment almost came from the graveyard, but you couldn't quite tell if it was paranoia. You could tell the whispers were most prominently an older woman, distraught but relieved at the same time, and you could almost swear she wasn't even whispering to you. ¨they came back for us,¨ you swore you heard her say. You almost called back but decided it'd be rude to intrude on someone's conversation, regardless of who it's about. You were in front of one of the graves. The tombstone was incredibly beat up, and you couldn't even tell any of the names on the gravestones, which wasn't helpful at all. At this point, the green light from your gameboy had grown so much it was showing out from the seams of your backpack. ¨I have no reason to connect this gameboy to the whispers,¨ you try convincing yourself.¨they can hear us.¨ This whisper that came back to you wasn't a whisper at all, and you nearly jumped out of your skin.
Believing or not, it's never been so... talkative with you. You believed it to believe it, not see it to believe it. You didn't even know where the bravery came to you, to go to a graveyard with the sole intent of hearing more from the paranormal. Social anxiety exists when you're talking to ghosts too, you guess. You'd have bothered to look behind you if the voice didn't come directly from the stone. Or possibly, one of many stones. This tombstone was nearly falling apart, seeming to have been kicked over, put back up and kicked over time and time again. ¨I wonder how they can have so much hate in their hearts to disrespect the dead like that. I'm sorry.¨ You continue walking along the gravestones. The other's don't look as beat up, but the whispers keep coming from the graves closest to the one that is, and you have to fight your flight response. This was really creeping you out and it's getting into your head that someone is messing with you. You find a grave that has some name that you can read.
All you can see is an A, an L, and a Y.
¨That's still not helpful-¨ you get rudely interrupted through talking to yourself. The whispers aren't even trying to whisper anymore. Why do they sound so familiar? ¨They're close enough to us now.¨ ¨The gameboy.¨ ¨Their energy.¨ ¨ You'd care more about what they were saying if you didn't just get scared shitless by someone standing next to you. You'd care more if the voices didn't stop as soon as you had seen her. ¨Yo? Hi, I'm sorry. I was coming to visit my...¨ the older woman looks down at the graves, stopping in her speech. ¨Oh no, it's okay. I'm sorry I blocked your path! Do you live in the apartments, too?¨ You try making small talk to ease the tension. She looks at you with exhaustion in her eyes. ¨It's completely fine, I mean I used to. Now I just come for the paranormal stuff.¨ Your eyes widen, you can ask her about that apartment! After looking at her, though, she has a friendly smile. But that smile said that she knew something you didn't know. ¨Do you know who was here earlier?¨ you ask. You feel like she wanted you to ask her that. ¨Hm? No one was here.¨ She kept looking at you with that smile, and it was beginning to freak you out. You realize her features looked a little too tired, but you continue the conversation. ¨My name is-¨ she interrupts you again. ¨Uuuugh introductions, really? At least act like you think we know each other! I didn't wait this long just to act like strangers!¨ she exclaims. Her words sound hurt, but not truthfully. She looks older than the way she talks. ¨I.. Don't recall ever meeting you.¨ Her smile turned into a frown. It made you sad, for some reason, it made you sad in a way that it didn't come to you. This woman may be crazy or have amnesia, you thought, but what if she didn't? You were being senseless, and you didn't understand why. Maybe you were going insane, maybe- ¨And you may never meet me.¨ You could've sworn as she said that, the exhaustion in her eyes grew more severe, had you upset her? ¨I am meeting you right now, and that's what matters. It's, uhm, good to live in the present,¨ you try to advice the seemingly grief-stricken woman, but she just looks at you in confusion. Caring, but exhausted confusion. Looking at her eyes, she's gone through so much. ¨You can save me from that past, Y/N. If you truly want to help us.¨ ¨I don't mean to be rude but I never told you my name and I think you're playing tricks on me. I don't know you or whoever you're talking about now.¨ ¨You did trust me once. You've been having nightmares you haven't told anyone about, but I know of them, you must have them because you're the only one who could come back from the... accident.¨ ¨You're.. Not alive.¨ You didn't stutter, but your voice definitely shook. The realization hit you like a truck. It wasn't just exhaustion you saw in her eyes. She was one of the ghosts here, and somehow had enough power to fully manifest a temporary form. You become afraid, hoping she isn't leeching your energy, or at least too much. You know ghosts need energy to appear. She didn't respond to that statement, just stared at you blankly. She knew you didn't trust her. ¨If you can even consider that you once loved us enough to die for us then you will hear what I say. If you don't, you can never see us again. Are you not homesick, as well? Do you not miss us?¨ She began accusing you, anger apparent in her voice. But she knew the answers to that. She knew how you've felt, ever since freshman year in highschool. You had been so alone, but you didn't feel like you were supposed to be. Even so, there was no way she could know this. ¨I don't believe a word of what you,re saying Ashley but I will do anything within reason to bring you to peace.¨ ¨I never told you my name,¨ she paused, and you just stood there, dumbfounded. She looked urgent, even so, and continued almost immediately. ¨I need to leave. I know who can help you, if you want to help me. You won't be in this alone. But you may not like what you need to do. If you're brave...¨ ¨Just tell me how I can help you-¨ ¨The apartment you were in. Go there with one of the stones from the beat up grave. Ask for her mother.¨"Whos?¨ ¨The girl. Bring the gameboy and tell her Sal was waiting for you. If you're unsure of if it worked after meeting her mother, ask the year-¨ and she was gone. How she disappeared was grotesque, her body shifted and parts of her turned purple; red pooled as she sunk back into the ground, all for you to see. It left a bitter taste in your mouth. It hurt you, for what reason you didn't know, after all you truthfully had no memories of her. But how did you know her name?

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