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I knocked on the shiny glass door of the Adams house

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I knocked on the shiny glass door of the Adams house

"Hey babe-" Christopher said but stopped when he saw who was at the door.

"Oh it's you" he said

"Sorry to disappoint babe" I said with a wink

"You never disappoint" he winked back "Why are you here if you don't mind me asking?" 

"your sister she said she wanted me to come about something important" I said

"Oh ok"

"Wait who did you think I was" I said as the realization hit me

"Clementine" he simply replied with a shrug of his shoulders 

Oh how much I HATE Clementine, she has it out for me for some reason. She dated my brother just so she could tell my parents that I do drugs at school, and if you know anything about me I definitely do not do drugs. I tried them once and that was the end of it for me. The crazy thing is my parents believed her and my father is the principal of our school so if anything he should know that I don't do it.

"Oh well then just tell Marie to meet me at my house, I'll be waiting for her. We don't want to interrupt you and Clementine's date I guess" I said and started to turn around but he grabbed my wrist

"Don't go, we aren't going on a date and besides I want your company until she gets here" 

"Are you forgetting that I am here for your sister? not for you? But I guess we can squeeze in like 10 minutes but I will need to get repaid" I said with a laugh

"you got it" he said and pulled me into his room

I have never been in his room, I guess today is a first. Surprisingly it is clean and smells nice, pinewood and apple cinnamon. There are only pictures of his family and no naked ones of girls. 

"It's nice" I said after a while

"Thanks" he said

For about 20 minutes we lost track of time laughing and reminiscing about the past, but then I get a call.


"Relax chica I am on my way, have some patience" after I said that she hung up and me and Christopher broke into fit's of laughter.

"Alright I have to go now Jay" I said, I call him my his middle name because it makes it so much better for me

"Alright Bella Ill see you soon" he said with a salute as I exited his door.

"What's up puta" I said as I entered Marie's room

"Why are you fucking late? I called you 25 minutes ago" she said

"Sorry traffic jam, you know how it is" I said sending her a wink "What was so important though?" 

"There is a party and I need some fashion tips." I rolled my eyes that was so important?

"Omg Marie you made me think it was something worse" I said 

Marie always comes to me for fashion tips, she says I have a really good style and I look like a million bucks when I walk. I know that is just crap talking so she can get me to style her, but a whole bunch of people at school wear very similar clothes to me. 

"Here" I said after 10 minutes of looking in her closet

I pulled out the white Good Karma two piece that clung to her curves, as well as white strap sandal wedges with big hoop earrings to complete the look. I did her makeup, natural and calming. I curled the ends of her hair to make it flow all the way to her back. When I finished she looked in the mirror and gasped.

"I look like a fucking goddess, you should be a stylist bitch" she said, I chuckled I always wanted to be one

"Haha enough hyping me up for today" I said

"Your not coming to the party?" she replied

"Nah its Found night" I said, Found is my favorite crime/missing person T.V show and every time it comes on I do not miss an episode.

"Ok well I am going to text you the address just in case you decide to come" she said

"Never going to happen, I am not going to miss found for shit" I said and chuckled as I grabbed my things and started to exit the house.

I turned on the T.V but Found wasn't on. So I checked the show's airing website and it said *There will sadly be no episode of Found tonight tune in text week on September 9th* I sighed and contemplated whether I am really going to go to the party or not.


Hope you like the book so far!

The picture above is Marie's oufit

Teaser: She might go to the party!!

Words: 793

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