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Zayan is sitting in a car on the way to eiran's house because today eiran will move to his villa after all they are now "married" although they didn't marry in church but still they are a "married " couple

zayan was eagerly waiting for the car to stop he want to see his eiran now because after there talk about there marriage and talk about the condition one week ago the didn't see each other anymore

they also discussed about eiran's problem about his ex boyfriend although zayan don't want to hear that name again but now he needed to make that bastard pay for what he done on his baby

a minute later zayan arrive in front of eiran's house zayan came out eagerly and ring the doorbell he command his driver to get the gifts that he bring for his in laws


the driver look at him dumbfounded his boss isn't supposed to be like this where is my  cool and calmed boss (〒﹏〒)


eiran who is sitting in the living room with his parents Didn't know about the weird actions that zayan is doing outside there house

while they are waiting for zayan to arrive when suddenly the doorbell suddenly rang eiran stand up unconsciously he saw that theres a maid who want to open the gate but he stopped the maid and say that he will be tha one to "welcome" the guest

when eiran opened the gate he saw zayan standing in the front seriously his face was serious but his eyes can't hid the happiness he was feeling

"c-come in" eiran mobe aside and open the gate widely zayan walk calmly and eiran was calling there maids to help zayan's driver to bring the gifts


meanwhile when zayan's  driver saw his boss was walking "calmly"  he was crying inside his mind: you weren't that calm when you get off the car just now right?? so why suddenly act like a calm dog huh??? what a two faced boss i have (〒﹏〒)

authors note:::

sorry for the late update>>ಥ‿ಥ

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