Chapter 1. the past

Start from the beginning

Then Dragon's eyes widen and he blushed a little.
"Oh thanks and........wait what you think I smell good you like my scent."
Asks Dragon a little surprised because he was always told by other people that he smelled bad.
Then silent tears start to go down his face.

Rimuru sees this and starts apologizing.
"Wait wait sorry omg sorry have I said anything wrong."
Ask Rimuru a little scared he said something wrong.

"No no it's just......... people don't normally like my scent."
Says Dragon as he looks down and then at Rimuru and he smiles.
"Thank you I'm really glad you don't think I smell bad."
Says Dragon and then he falls onto his knees unexpectedly and his scent just starts coming out because his heat had started.

"Oh no should I help you home."
Asks Rimuru but Dragon just jumps on Rimuru and starts to smell Rimuru's scent gland on his neck.

"Alpha help me plz."
Says Dragon on Rimuru's neck but Rimuru just sent out a little calming pheromone from his gland to calm Dragon down.

"Dragon where do you live."
Ask Rimuru still releasing calming pheromones.

"Mmmmmm not long from here."
"That way."
Says Dragon as he points in the direction of his house before he goes into full heat and starts to lick Rimuru's scent gland and Rimuru just let's him.

Then Rimuru picks Dragon up and starts to walk to Dragon's house.
and when he got there he knocked on the door.
And then Sengoku opens the door and immediately his eyes widen as he could smell Dragon's heat.
But he could almost smell a Alpha.

"Have you done anything to my son."
Asks Sengoku in a warning tone to tell Rimuru if he had hurt his some he would hurt him.

"Oh no sir I was just singing in the forest and he was taking a walk I think.
And then I told him his heat was about to start but he stayed too long and his heat started so I brought him here."
Says Rimuru as he explained to Sengoku.

"Oh okay I see thanks I can take him now."
Says Sengoku but Dragon whined and hissed at the same time and that ment if Sengoku touches him his heat would get worse.

"Oh no he's too long into his heat i can't do anything if I take him away from you he will go into drop."
Says Sengoku.

(A drop is where the Omega will think the Alpha left him and will his the Omega.)

"I'm so sorry but could you stay at least until his heat is over."
"And no I don't like the idea but I don't have a choice."
Says Sengoku.

Rimuru looks at Sengoku and nods.
"I can do that and I understand I don't think anyone would like this but we can't do anything now."

"Okay thank you."
"and one more thing you can help him in anyway but if he gets pregnant you will take responsibility because he will abort the baby because he's only 16."
Says Sengoku.

Rimuru nods.
"I'm 16 myself so I will make sure he won't get pregnant. And thanks for letting me help him."
Says Rimuru.

"Now where do you want me to go with him."
Ask Rimuru as he looks at Sengoku and Sengoku just makes Rimuru follow him to Dragon's room.

Rimuru walks into Dragon's room and Dragon gets out of Rimuru's hold and starts to make a nest.

"Okay I will come with food for you both and when his heat stop you will leave immediately."
Says Sengoku in a strict voice so Rimuru would understand.

"Yeah I understand sir and also my name is Rimuru."
Says Rimuru with a smile.

"Oh okay Rimuru my name is Sengoku and please take care of my son I will make sure my husband doesn't walk in here."
Says Sengoku as he's about to walk away.

"Eeeemmm I just want to know if it doesn't sound rude but what is your husbands name."
Ask Rimuru a little sacred he set something wrong.

"Oh no that's fine my husband's name is Garp."
Says Sengoku a little happy that Rimuru asked him that.

Rimuru was aito and something but Dragon walked up behind him and chipped so Rimuru looks at Sengoku as Sengoku closes the door and walks away.

Then Dragon's pulls Rimuru in his nest.

(And yes they did it)

Time skip to 5 day later

Dragon blinks himself awake and then his eyes widen as he looks up and sees a Alpha and then he remember everything he remembers what they did the last 5 days and who the Alpha was.

"Eemmm Rimuru."
Says Dragon a little shock but also his back hurt a little because they did a lot.

Rimuru opens his eyes and looks at Dragon.
"Oh your awake how are you feeling."
Ask Rimuru with a smile as he rubs Dragons lower back to help with the pain.

"Mmmmm I'm okay but i-i-i don't know how to say this."
Says Dragon a little embarrassed.

"Oh It won't change anything you know that right I need to leave anyways so what is it."
Ask Rimuru.

"Eemmm well it's just that I actually like you like more that friends and I know we almost just meet but I just think it's destiny."
Says Dragon as he looks away from Rimuru.

But then he felt Rimuru lick his neck.
"I love you too Dragon."
Says Rimuru with a smile as he kiss Dragon on the lips and Dragon kiss back.

"Well now I just need to say it to my parents."
Says Dragon with a smile as he nuzzles into Rimuru's scent gland on Rimuru's neck.

Rimuru laughs a little and then he kiss Dragons cheek.
"Okay I just want to make sure of this you want me to bite you so we become mates."
Ask Rimuru.

"Yeah I want to be your mate."
Says Dragon with no hesitation.

And then Rimuru bites Dragon and Dragon bites Rimuru so there become mates and they can both immediately feel each other's emotion and they smile because of it.

Well that was all for now I hope you like it.
And I would like to know if I sould make the chapters longer because then it will take longer to make because I'm in school.

Words for this chapter 1594.

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