explanations Uzui adopting Nezuko and Tanjiro

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The kids except Nezuko were eating breakfast prepared by hinatsuru

Makio:hey kiddos where's Nezuko?

Makio sits next to Uzui

Tanjiro:oh she likes to sleep in on the weekends

Uzui: alright confess what's the real reason why you all were outside in the rain last night

Zenitsu: It's true we did get locked out

Uzui had to ask Tanjiro because Tanjiro can't lie

Uzui: Tanjiro did you Zenitsu  Inosuke and Nezuko get locked out?

Tanjiro tried to keep the most honest face he has ever made

Tanjiro:um of course*almost gags from lying*

Uzui:yeah you're lying and everyone of you will tell me and my wives how you all ended up at my house at four or five in the morning

Zenitsu explains his and Inosuke problem leaving Uzui looking Dumbfounded at Inosuke

Uzui:why did you try to fight the police?

Inosuke: because the landlord wanted to challenge the king of the mountains Lord Inosuke

Uzui:you know what you two go back to you're rooms so Tanjiro can explain his situation

Zenitsu and Inosuke left to there rooms leaving Tanjiro Uzui and his wives alone with each other

Uzui: alright Tanjiro you're turn

Tanjiro:how do I explain this in a normal way that won't be bad

Hinatsuru:come on Tanjiro honey you can tell us

Tanjiro explains everything to the beginning and to the end

Tanjiro:and then me and Nezuko bumped into Zenitsu and Inosuke and then well you know the rest

Tanjiro looked down at his feet while explaining his story and still did while finishing his explanation

Uzui: Tanjiro look at us

Tanjiro looks up at them to see Suma about to burst into tears Makio started tearing up but holds back her tears  and Hinatsuru was lost for words and looked sorry and sad for Tanjiro and Nezuko

Uzui:I can understand were you're coming from  my family growing weren't exactly the best most of my siblings died because of my father and his training and my last brother well him and my father were the same they thought of women as pawns and only to be used for making a successor so i ran away with my wives from the life that I needed to leave behind

Tanjiro felt bad for Uzui as Uzui put a piece of paper on the table and Tanjiro looked at it in curiosity and saw it was an adoption paper Tanjiro eyes teared up he felt honored and Happy

Uzui: Tanjiro would you and you're sister like to be my kid's?

Tanjiro Nods happily as Uzui Tanjiro Hinatsuru Makio and Suma hugged but hear crying they looked to see where it was coming from to see it was Nezuko she was smiling while crying

Uzui:join in the hug kiddo

Nezuko runs and join in the group hug

While Zenitsu and Inosuke were watching the beautiful scene they were seeing

Zenitsu:*crying from this beautiful scene before him* It's so beautiful wait Inosuke are you crying?

Inosuke:what you must be ridiculous the king of the mountains Lord Inosuke never cries!*he said as he wiped away his tears*

Zenitsu: whatever helps you sleep at night but the family bond is so beautiful*Zenitsu cries harder*

Inosuke:stop you're whining you're going to make me cry

Inosuke was already crying but started wiping his tears

Uzui:all of you get in the car we are going Christmas shopping


Uzui: everyone let's go you all better grab something for you all can watch because we are going to every good neighborhood Malls for Christmas and I'm getting you all the best presents

Makio:oh my goodness he's in a holiday present rush

Zenitsu:a what?

Hinatsuru: it's when he gets excited when he sees things that he knows you all want but at an good price in the good neighborhood malls

Everyone had a great time at the mall and Zenitsu fell asleep mostly during the car ride but Tanjiro and Nezuko finally are at peace they have a place to call their home it's a miracle

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