Maia hates to be rude, she really does, but she's not paying attention to any of the interviewer's words anymore. Not after he had said his name.

That would be Oscar Piastri.

Oscar Piastri.



She's staring, and for just a moment, she sees Oscar barely starting to stare back at her too.

He must remember you. How could he forget?

Because truly, how could he? When they had spent so much time together arguing over meaningless things? Asking each other in the middle of class 'who's most likely to become famous?' or 'which out of the two of us would get married first?' She supposes they both won the first question, with Oscar maybe beating her out just a smidge, but that second one? No answer to that one yet since she's still single. She couldn't really speak on Oscar's behalf though, since she hadn't talked to him in a little over eight years.

Eight years? Had it been that long already?

Eight years without anyone to beat in her classes. Eight years without meaningless 'would you rather' or 'most likely to' questions to keep each other awake during boring school hours. Eight years without making bets for gas station snacks before playing a game of basketball, or cricket.

That's right. Eight years. Eight years without Oscar Piastri by her side, and he has the audacity, the nerve to show up now.

"Is it really?" Maia asks innocently, snapping out of her trance. "My roommate is a huge F1 fan so, I was wondering why they looked so familiar!" The lies drip from her tongue with ease as she ignores the palpitations in her chest.

In her peripheral vision, she can see Oscar getting scooted forward by the other drivers, who seem to be peering around for something. Beverages, probably.

"Angela, right?" The interviewer asks, changing the subject quickly. "What do you have to say about her and who she is to you?"

Maia shakes off her nerves and continues on, rambling about how lovely Angela is and how she's never had a friend like her before.

The only issue? She can feel Oscar's gaze still, and it feels unwavering against the side of her head.

No. No. She isn't gonna let him win this time.

She remembers what he told her before he left her behind. Maybe he was kidding when they were younger, but considering how little he reached out and how little effort he made to reconnect, she was almost positive there might have been a droplet of venom in the last exchange of words they had.

She's lost a lot of competitions against Oscar, a lot of bets, and a lot of time, but he won't catch her this round.

She won't allow it.

She won't allow it

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✓ | UNTIL THE SONG WAS DONE, oscar piastriOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz