His amusement, however, was short-lived. A door creaked open, and boisterous voices spilled into the corridor. The abrupt disturbance jolted Kathir from his mirth, replacing it with a tinge of panic. Wide-eyed, he scanned his surroundings, a sudden realization dawning that he needed to find refuge swiftly.

His heart pounding, he hastened towards the closest door, propelled by an instinct to seek sanctuary. With a swift motion, he pushed open the door, darted inside, and closed it silently behind him. A relieved exhale escaped him as he took a moment to steady himself, grateful for the concealment the room provided.

As his eyes adjusted to the soft ambient light, the room revealed itself to him. A massive poster of Vijay adorned the wall, offering a reassuring smile. Over the bed, lighted stars dangled, casting a gentle glow upon a bedsheet adorned with blue and white florals. The room exuded an undeniable feminine charm.

On a desk, a laptop sat with an air of silent sophistication, accompanied by meticulously arranged books. The shelves, adorned with neatly stacked volumes, harbored not only the treasures of literature but also a small idol of Pillayar and a dancing Nataraj. It was a room that spoke of someone with a balance of academic pursuits and spiritual inclinations.

However, the serenity of the moment was interrupted by the distant sound of a girl's voice outside the door. Kathir, eyebrows raised in alertness, instinctively moved behind the door, adopting a stance that blended with the shadows. The door swung open, revealing a vision that momentarily stole his breath away.

A girl, the epitome of beauty, stepped into the room with a radiant smile that could rival the stars. Kathir, his heart echoing the cadence of her entrance, felt an involuntary skip—a heartbeat dancing to a rhythm only she orchestrated.

Mullai bid farewell to her friend Priya, closing the door behind her as she stepped into the quiet refuge of her room. Little did she know that the tranquility of the night was about to be shattered.

As the latch clicked into place, she turned around, perhaps contemplating the events of the day. However, the universe had a different plan. Her eyes, wide with surprise, metamorphosed into an expression of sheer disbelief. A scream, an unrestrained manifestation of her astonishment, danced at the tip of her tongue but found no escape.

A sudden intrusion silenced her. A firm hand, warm and commanding, enveloped her mouth, and she found herself pressed against the door. It was Kathir, a shadow emerging from the concealed corners of her room.

P - Mullai?

Priya's concerned voice floated in from the other side of the door. 

P - Ennadi..enna aachu.. en kathuna..

Mullai, eyes still holding the echoes of her initial shock, met Kathir's gaze. There was a moment—a fleeting second—where their eyes engaged in a silent conversation. Hers, a blend of innocence and magic, captivated him, pulling him into an orbit where time seemed to stretch.

The trance was broken by a blink, and Kathir, catching his breath, inched closer. His heart, an unruly symphony of beats, echoed in the silence of the room. Leaning towards her, he whispered, his words a secret shared between two conspirators. 

K - Plz..bayapadada..kathada.. oru nimisham naan solrada porumaya kelu..naan amaithiya poiduven..ippo nee satham pottena..theva illada prachanai varum..oru friend love ku help panna vandu ippadi maatikitten..ippo nee kathunana andha ponnum maatikuva..en friendum dan..plz kathada..ippo kaiya edukuren..katha maatala?

Her response was a tilt of the head, an arch of those expressive eyebrows that painted a question in the air. A silent understanding passed between them. He continued, the words a mere murmur, 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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