Chapter 1 :The Darshana War: Shadows of Asuras"

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In the genesis of the universe, twelve formidable Asuras reigned supreme over distinct realms. Yuga, surpassing them all, held dominion over half the cosmos, with the remaining governed by the Darshanas, led by seven distinguished kings.

A monumental conflict, known as Ashoka, unfolded between the Asuras and the Darshanas. While the seven kings, under the leadership of Drona, decisively triumphed over the Asuras, the incomparable power of Yuga posed a formidable challenge. In a singular moment, Yuga nearly vanquished all three Darshanas, only to be thwarted when the fourth king sacrificed himself to seal the twelve Asuras, diminishing Yuga's dominance to a mere 7 percent of his original strength.

As the victorious kings, mourning the loss of the valiant Karn, celebrated, a curious young boy named Manav entered the narrative. Discovered on a stormy night, clad in a mysterious red aura with an indiscernible mark on his chest, Manav harbored an insatiable curiosity about his origin.

"Grandma, what is this mark on my chest?" Manav inquired persistently, yearning for answers.

Grandma, the guardian of enigmatic tales, responded cryptically, "Every man bears this mark; it is the essence of the universe inscribed upon you." However, as time passed, Manav noticed that not everyone possessed this mark. One day, he asked me again. Unable to conceal the truth any longer, I decided to recount the night I found him and admitted that I don't know who his parents are.

In this cosmos, demarcated into three distinct regions, ordinary humans occupied the first realm, some wielding magical prowess while others remained bereft of such abilities. The second realm housed demi-humans, possessing physical might but lacking magical aptitude. The third realm, exclusive to nobles, boasted individuals proficient in magic, their power emanating from the blessings of the Darshanas.

Manav, a denizen of the first realm, articulated his aspirations with unwavering determination, "Grandma, I will wield magic and dismantle these confining walls, to find who I am really

Grandma, pragmatic and wise, cautioned, "Yes, you can, but patience, for the arcane is a power unveiled with time."

As Manav matured, his mysterious mark pulsated with latent power. One night, surrounded by mystical symbols, he harnessed his first element—electricity. A crimson surge distinguished his powers, setting him on a path of rigorous training and revelation.

"Grandma, I dreamt of a figure with the same mark. He warned of a formidable adversary wielding red electricity. Am I the key to unlocking extraordinary powers?" Manav confided in anxious trepidation.

Grandma, with a comforting demeanor, assuaged his fears, "Dreams are but whispers of the mind. Fear not, my child."

Despite Grandma's reassurances, doubt lingered. Time passed, and Manav grew into a 14-year-old, ready to venture into the third region of nobles for the selection exams at the academy. The looming question remained: Would he overcome the powerful and superior noble students, or would he face failure in the pursuit of becoming a full-fledged student in the academy? The answer awaited him in the challenging exams that lay ahead.

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