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Atsushi POV:

I woke up from my nap yawning. "That was a good nap."

I see chuuya glaring at me. I guess he put me on the couch and he was on the recliner in front of me. "Oh hey~."

This seem to piss Chuuya off. "Don't hey me. you literally let yourself get kidnapped and you wouldn't let me help you."

I sit up. "Well I'm safe and dazai safe so everything is fine."

Kyoka sat next to me. Chuuya still looked mad. "I know but you could have got hurt...who knows what Nikolai wanted and we can't forget fyodor."

I giggle. "Well Nikolai's tied up there's no one there to untie him. Fyodor is dead. Dazai shot him in the head. So, technically, Dazai protected me the whole time when I got to him."

Chuuya looked shocked. "Dazai killed Fyodor?!"


Chuuya ran over and hugged me. "I'm just so happy you're safe... but next time you think about doing that I'm gonna kill you."

I feel a sweat drop fall. "Noted, I won't do it again unless."

"No there is no unless!!! we go together or you don't go at all. This is how this relationship is gonna work.."

I sighed. "Okay fine."

I hugged him back. "Good."

Chuuya stops hugging me. I turned to Kyoka. "I'm sorry Kyoka, I didn't mean to leave you again. Chuuya I am also sorry I should've somehow brought you with me without Nikolai knowing. It probably would've made a lot of things easier.."

They both smiled at me. Chuuya stands up and heads to the kitchen. "So what do you guys want to eat."

He yells from the kitchen. I didn't say anything because Kyoka yells. "Tofu and Rabbits please."

"Okay then I have to run to the store real quick so play a bored game or something and don't answer the door...only because of Atsushi's bounty dead or alive."

We both nodded and chuuya leaves. "Let's go look at the bored games he has and you choose."

She smiled and we walked over to the shelf. Chuuya had a lot of games. "So you see anything interesting?"

Kyoka looks around. "Sorry."

I looked at her confused. "Why are you sorry?"

She gave me a blank stare and I was still confused. "The game sorry."

I felt stupid in that moment. "Oh right the game sorry."

I grabbed the game and I sit it on the coffee table. "Okay do you want to be blue, yellow, red, or green?"

Kyoka thinks for a moment. "I want yellow."

I smiled at her. "Okay I will take blue."

We started playing the game. At first we were struggling to get a one or two. But Kyoka gets a two and she finally gets out so she can start moving around the bored. I rolled and I got another three. "Dang why am I so unlucky."

She rolled and got a five and she move her piece five spaces. I rolled again and I finally got a one. I give her the dice.

After thirty minutes Chuuya comes back looking at us confused. "Uhh Kyoka what's wrong with Atsushi?"

Kyoka looked at Chuuya. "Oh I kicked Atsushi's ass in sorry."

Chuuya started laughing. "Chuuya don't laugh I couldn't get a four or I would have won. This game hates me."

He walks to the kitchen as I stay on the couch still annoyed. "Kyoka how are you so good at this."

"I'm not I just did what the rules said and I won."

I give her a pouty face. "Your so lucky, its not fair I never win."

Kyoka just giggles. "Not with that attitude you not gonna ever win."


"Hey foods ready come eat."

Chuuya yelled from the kitchen. Kyoka and I walked in the kitchen and he already had the plates set up for us. We sat down and said thank you for the food. And with that we ate.

The End

New story is out it's called Falling For The Enemy and it's a sigmatsu

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