"What a fun school." Satoru told Riko with a smirk.

"You idiot! I thought I told you not to show up!"

"Curse users have attacked. You can figure out the rest, right?" Satoru informed the young girl, "We're heading straight for Jujutsu High. You don't want to get your friends involved, right?"

"It's the only way to keep them safe, Riko-san. I know that you really want to live normally before the merging, but living normally will put more people in danger." Tamayori knew how tough it was to hear what she just said, but she knew that Riko was aware of the situation she was in.

Tamayori watched the girl's face drop, and then she felt sympathy for Riko. She couldn't imagine how painful it was for Riko to leave everything she enjoyed in life and serve the Jujutsu World.

Their free escape was short-lived as someone popped up behind them, ready to kill them.

Seriously, Tamayori whined in her thoughts.


"Sheesh... To think that we're always low on Jujutsu Sorcerers. We'd welcome you with open arms, old man." Satoru smirked at the curse user who had tried to attack them. "I see two, three, four... They all look the same. Are they Shikigami?"

"Naw... Your profession sounds too risky. Just hand over the girl and we'll be outta here."

"There's five more!"

"What are you interested in a brat like this for?" Satoru smirked, making the two clones clash with each other using his technique.

"The shikigami aren't disappearing! Which one is the real one?" Riko asked.

"Those aren't shikigamis, they're clones. And all of them are real." Satoru said, analyzing the opponent.

Two of them came towards Satoru, Riko, and Tamyori but one was completely frozen midway while the other was thrown off the building.

"No one messes with Master!" Tamayori's mini Earth Giant grumpily scolded the clone who was long gone.

"What's this?" Asked the other who was frozen midway.

"The infinity. You know, from Achilles and the Tortoise."


"Didn't you learn that studying is important?" Satoru mocked as both clones were struck on the face.

"He's using a cloning technique that maxes out at five, including the original." Satoru explained, "You can change your real body at any time, right? If you're in danger, just switch bodies, so you can't immediately summon a new one if a body is destroyed. You've got quite the technique, then why are you so weak?"

"How do you know my technique?"

"Sorry about that, I've got good eyes." Satoru took off his glasses to stare straight at the masked man. "My technique involves the convergence of an infinite series. Things that approach me slow down... and never reach the target. By amplifying this, the Limitless- Things such as Natural Negative Numbers..."

There he goes again, Tamayori thought to herself as Satoru continued to talk about his oh-so-powerful technique.

"And impossible situations like –1 apples- manifests. In doing that, I can create a magnetic effect like the one before. But to tell the truth, it's quite difficult to use."

"Satoru-kun, I don't think now is the time for..."

"What is he talking about?" Riko asked as Tamayori's creature gently took her from Satoru, lifting the middle school girl up, sitting her on his other shoulder.

"He's just showing off like always. Just give him a few moments and then I will jump in to save him."

"Save him?"

"Watch closely."

"I can't create a huge field of attraction close to myself. Manipulating the cursed energy to use it accurately is a real pain. In other words, I get really tired. But this is all... Standard for my technique. This is the divergence of the infinity."

"Woah..." Riko looked at him expectantly while Tamayori sighed tiredly and lifted her hands to call out for her nature friends.

"Cursed Technique Reversal Red!"



Suddenly a huge stem came into the rooftop to grab on the curse user, hitting his head against the floor, knocking him out cold. The plant then went to its original place, leaving the man on the floor, clearly with no signs of waking up soon and Satoru turned to stare at Tamayori starry eyed.

"My Yori-chan is finally growing up! That was your first time knocking someone out cold!"

"Satoru-kun, you know that this was very dangerous. What if he actually got a hold of you?" Tamayori scolded the boy.

"There is nothing to worry, I would have done something to stop him." Satoru ruffled Tamayori's hair, messing up her hairstyle. "Don't blame me for trying, I really thought it was going to work this time," Satoru pouted.

"You really-"

"Oh no!" Both Tamayori and Satoru turned to Riko in alert. "What are we gonna do? They got Kuroi!"

Abrigo (Satoru Gojo x OC)Where stories live. Discover now