The Beginning

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The night was dark and dreary, with rain pouring down relentlessly. Inside our home, the atmosphere was equally gloomy as my parents engaged in a heated argument that seemed to echo through the walls. Sleep eluded me, leaving me restless and anxious. Suddenly, my oldest brother quietly entered my room, casting a warm glow with the flick of a switch. Confusion filled my eyes as I watched him diligently packing my bags, his actions shrouded in mystery.

"What's going on bubba, and why are you here?" I asked my brother as he diligently packed my belongings into bags.

"You're going to live with me," he declared, his voice firm but gentle as he finished packing my bags. "I can't stand to see you living in these conditions any longer." With that, he scooped me up into his arms, holding me close as we made our way out the door.

He dashed down the stairs with me in his arms , eager to leave, but our mother intercepted him. "Where do you think you're taking her?" she demanded. "She's coming with me," he replied firmly. "It's not healthy for her to be around all this arguing. You know how kids her age can get into serious trouble and start heading the wrong path. Goodbye." With that, he slammed the door and whisked me away in his car. Taking me to his new house.

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