Meet the uzumaki family

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 Name : ally uzumaki

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Name : ally uzumaki.

Age : 18.

Likes : hanging out with her mom, her dad, and cousin, her mom's cooking, training with dad helping her friends, her moms and cousins red hair.

Hates : her family and friends being hurt, villains.

Crush : mate (cousin).

Story : her dad and her stepmother were not together yet and her real mother never wanted her and left her father behind and broke up with him and her stepmother became his wife and they had a child that was her cousin but they started having feelings but hidden it from everyone and they had a secret relationship and a secret they hide from everyone and she didn't want her stepmother and father to die so she died in her place.

Clothes : green and light green stripes on her clothes showing her shoulders and covering her neck and wearing black shorts.

Clothes : green and light green stripes on her clothes showing her shoulders and covering her neck and wearing black shorts

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Name : mate uzumaki.

Age : 17.

Likes : hanging out with his mom, his dad, and cousin, his mom's cooking, training with dad helping his friends.

Hates : his family and friends being hurt, anyone who talks about his and his mom red hair, villains.

Crush : ally (cousin).

Story : he was the first one to be born first before Naruto he has red hair and whiskers on his face he has his moms attitude he started falling in love with his cousin because of how kind she is to him he wanted to save his friend so he died in her place.

Clothes : orange and red jacket and black pants on him.

Clothes : orange and red jacket and black pants on him

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Name : bright uzumaki.

Age : the same age as Naruto.

Likes : hanging out with her family and cousin,
Cooking food with her auntie and training with her uncle.

Hates : when people are being rude to her cousin and gets mad when people talk bad about her and  auntie red hair.

Crush : sasuke.

Story : she doesn't know who mom or father are like or what they look like she wants to be a ninja so she can find out who they are one day she finds a picture of her sensei team it shows her uncle being a sensei her sensei as a kid rin and three children that has dark green long hair and has a light green bow like hers and eyes like her wearing green and light green stripe clothes showing her shoulders and covering her neck with a kind smile and a boy with short red hair like her having orange things holding his bangs away from his eyes like she has in her hair and purple eyes he has whiskers on his face like her and her cousin he has a orange and red jacket like hers and has his arms crossed on his chest smiling at the camera and a boy with black hair and has goggles on him and wearing dark blue clothes on she wants to know who these three people there so she hides the picture and told nobody about it until she gets her answers.

Clothes : has her dad jacket and her mom's black shorts.

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