2: Instrumentalist

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Wilbur was still for a moment. He couldn't believe he was in this position, he couldn't believe it was going so... well. Wilbur's face filled with a small smile. "I appreciate it." He spoke, as he slowly leaned in with his eyes still locked on the man in front of him. Wilbur's lips brushed against his, the sound of the final notes of the music echoing and fading out into silence. He leaned into him and the kiss intensified; their tongues intertwined in a small show of intimacy.

When the song had finally finished, Quackity pulled away, a small smile on his face. He was aware of the people watching, their gazes on his back. He let out a small laugh.

"You were good at that." he whispered, his own gaze still locked on Wilbur.

Wilbur blushed a bright red. "T-thank you. So were you." Wilbur looked at the spectators, and laughed nervously as he saw all of them staring at the pair; even the band had stopped. Wilbur's heart pounded in his ears as he spoke. "I, uh..." Wilbur's words failed him, he felt a bit of pressure in this sudden silence. "I have to say, that dance will be the highlight of my year."

"Come on." Swiftly, Quackity took his hand. He put his hand to the band and clapped for them, which resulted in an applause from the rest of the guests, giving them a chance to slip away.

Taking his hand, Wilbur  wondered what Quackity was going to do as they made their way away from the dancefloor. Wilbur looked at him in the eyes and smiled, wanting another kiss... But he knew it wasn't the right situation for it; some people were even still staring at them. "This is an event I won't forget." Wilbur whispered.

“Me neither.”


Wilbur made his way out of the party with Quackity and the rest of the guests, and found that it had actually calmed down. "That was quite an event. I enjoyed it and... I was wondering if I could see you later?" Wilbur asked, glancing at Quackity. He didn't want to look too forward and to scare him off, but he really liked him. He genuinely wanted to spend  more time with him.

"I enjoyed that too." Quackity smiled. "We can. What would you like to do?"

Wilbur smiled and felt a wave of relief when he accepted his request. "I was wondering... I don't know if it's too late but, would you like to come over? My house is within walking distance. I'd like to show you my work, since you know, we have similar... professions." Wilbur looked at him and smiled. "Or we could go somewhere else if you’d like?" Wilbur suggested.

"I'd love to hear you play music." Quackity smiled, taking his hand, which made Wilbur’s heart flip somersaults in his chest.

Wilbur walked with him into a nearby street. "I live closeby, it... shouldn't take long." He spoke, glancing at him and smiling, enjoying his company. He couldn't believe what had just happened, and now he was spending even more time with him.  This evening was going well. Wilbur took a deep breath of fresh air, it had been a while since he'd done…Well, romance. But with Quackity, everything felt justified.

Wilbur led Quackity a bit further, descending into a quaint and quiet street. He stopped outside a small terraced house, and turned to face him, placing his hands into his pockets; this time his voice was a little quiet, unsure of how to continue.

"This is my house," Wilbur spoke. "Would you... like to come in? For just a little while?" Wilbur's eyes filled with hope, desperate for him to come in. He wanted to spend more time with him and to get to know him.

"Yeah, sure, as long as you promise to play one of your instruments to me," Quackity said, smiling into his eyes. He was fascinated by his career and would’ve loved to have heard him play.

Wilbur nodded eagerly. “Of course,” He promised.

He pulled open the door to his house, a smile still on his face. "It's not very grand, but... come on in." He said in a quieter tone. He held open the door for him and gestured for him to enter his small house. He felt butterflies in his stomach, but he found his nerves exhilarating.

Wilbur followed him in and shut the door. The house was quaint, small and quiet.  He clicked on the lights and then watched Quackity survey the front room; the sofa was worn and the carpet had a few patches from previous damage, but overall it wasn’t too shabby. He hoped he didn’t think he was weird, or living in a dump, or-

“You live in a beautiful place,”

Quackity glanced around the house: there was a small main room linked to a kitchen, and in the living room there was a small couch and a fireplace, but it was mostly filled with instruments; a drum kit, a beautiful grand piano, a stand of three or so guitars of varying sizes, and a violin atop a coffee table, its bow placed next to it neatly. Quackity noticed how well-kept his instruments were: the cymbals on the drum kit were shining, and the sticks placed atop the snare drum. The keys of the piano were matte and shining, and the violin gave off a healthy sheen, the fretboard dark and it was ornate and beautiful.

"Wilbur, all these instruments are stunning," Quackity said in wonder. He had decided he liked Wilbur’s house quite a lot during the short moment he had been there.

Wilbur smiled, he felt his face heat up at the compliment, despite how small it was. "Thank you," Wilbur said, glancing down at the beautiful instruments he had collected. "I like to... play in my free time. My dream is to make it big... you could say." Wilbur said, taking note of his reaction. He knew he was rambling but the words just kept coming. Wilbur took off his jacket, threw it onto the sofa, and turned back to face Quackity, who wasn’t wearing a jacket otherwise he would’ve offered to take it. His arms hung by his side, so confident in what was little clothing really.

He watched as Quackity smiled widely, his eyes still wandering across the instruments. Wilbur smiled back; “They’re beautiful.”

Wilbur nodded happily. "Thank you, it... took a bit of... savings, to buy some of these." Wilbur smiled, but he wanted to show him something special. "There is one in this room that is... well, it's more unique than the others. In a way." Wilbur looked down at the instruments, and then over at Quackity. "Would you... like me to play you something?" Wilbur asked, wanting to show how special this particular instrument was.

"Of course," Quackity smiled, wondering which of the instruments Wilbur was to showcase to him.

Wilbur nodded again and walked over to the beautiful grand piano, sitting down on the stool. He took in a deep breath and his heart dropped to the floor once more. He looked over his shoulder at Quackity.

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