How are you?

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I enter the paddock, walking in with Max on my side, we have been close since, he got to Redbull. So some years now. Of course my dad is close my, actually on the other side of me.

My dad nudges at my shoulder. "Remember what we agreed on." All his damn rules. I declined a nice vacation in Ibiza with my friends for his, why doesn't he just let me.

I sigh. "Yes dad, I stay out of trouble."

Pierre sees us immediately, he runs up to us. Fist bumping Max and hugging me afterwards. Pierre is my ex, but also one of my best friends in the paddock. George and lewis also walks up to us. And talks with Pierre and Max. I can't help but stare at the beautiful Brit in front of me. 

Those eyes...

Pierre, George and Lewis eventually has to go.

Pierre's pov

"What's her name?" Lewis asks me, like he could ever handle her, I couldn't, so no doubt, he wouldn't be able to either.

"Aha, she will squash you like a bug." I tell him, as I nod to myself.

"Her name?" He getting serious. George looks at his teammate, with his eyebrows shot up his forehead. Mick going in on our walk towards our breakfast.

"Estella Horner. Daughter of Christian Horner, Pierre's ex-girlfriend." Mick says while stopping. Lewis also stops, turns around to find her standing there, in the paddock. When he finds her, he falls into a stare.

"Hey, no staring. Keep it moving, keep it moving. Come on." I say. Lewis turns around, and we continue to walk to get breakfast.

Back to Estella Horner

I stand in front of the Redbull garage, debating whether I should walk in, or stay in the paddock, the entire day. As so many times before, I know exactly, what happens when I enter.

As I feel someone tapping on my shoulder. I turn to see Pierre behind me. We stand in front of Redbull, for a good 10 minutes, just talking. That's when I see my dad. I nudge Pierre, so he notices him too. Pierre knows very well, how my relationship with my dad is. Me and Pierre talk shit about him in French.

My dad doesn't really do French, let's say it like that.

My dad walks up to us, saying. "Translation?" Giving me a angry look. That's when Charles barges in, he apparently heard mine, and Pierre's conversation.

"So you can suck my dick, if you don't like my shit." Charles says, then we all walk away from my dad, I hate, when all his attention goes "His boys" as he says. It has always been formula one, never his own kids. We're just in the shadow. Waiting for him at home.

Before we get to far, my father grabs my arm hard. I turn, so does Pierre and Charles. The whole paddock stand still, as this happens. "Why are you like this?" My dad asks me. I frown at him.

"Um if you don't like me, that's fine. But, you know.. Watch you mouth! They're looking." I say, as I turn my head to the cameras around us. He grabs my arm harder, before pulling me into the Redbull garage. I look back at Pierre and Charles, I can see and their faces how much they want to help me, but I just let it happen.

I can't keep fighting him, he need to know how I feel. We reach the garage and he finally lets go of the firm grip he has on my arm. Funny enough we are on Max side of the garage "his boy".

My dad faces me with a angry look on his face, like always. I take a deep breath. "I understand you have been struggling to raise me. You have been struggling to raise me, because you don't like me.."

I feel the tears forming in my eyes, he need to know. My dad look like he just saw a ghost. "What?! Don't like you? That's not true!"

The tears stream down my face, I can't keep it back. "I heard what you said, the night my mom died. you said, that I wasn't your daughter. You know. I'm just a burden to you. So you can go to the Bahamas alone. Or maybe take Max with you, he was the child you always wanted."

Horner's daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora