Chapter two

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Brianna above.

Brianna's pov

I woke up with a killer headache. My head hurt so bad like I've banged it against the ground repeatedly. I was confused to why was tied up in a chair until everything came back to me.

I started screaming for help, hoping someone would hear and come and save me. I started screaming louder and louder if that was even possible.

The next thing I hear was the door infront og me banging and a man yelling "SHUT THE FUCK UP UNLESS YOU WANT ME TO DO IF FOR YOU CUZ I WILL!!"

I started shaking violently and crying. Why? Why did I have to get kidnapped? I'm really nothing special. There are so many other prettier girls out there instead of me. Then I started to get mad. What were these fuckers getting out of kidnapping me. They can't hold me for ransom. We have no money, I live with my mom because my dad died when I was 12. I'm just a 15 year old. What would anyone want with me.

I have dark brown hair with brown eyes. I have a few freckles, I don't like them. I really don't think I'm pretty. I'm not sure what other people think thought because I usually stay to myself in and out out school. I don't have one best friend though. Hazel. She's the best. Wait....HAZEL that's what going to help get me out of here. My best friend. She'll notice I'm not there and call me if I don't answer then she'll obviously call my mom.

I heard the door start to unlock. My last thought was for Hazel to hurry and notice I'm not there until my eyes widen when I see someone I recognize.



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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22 ⏰

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