1. Special Affair

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Eren could see it, something in your eyes changed for a split second before your facade returned. "You done with your temper tantrum? Can I go now?" He was stunned, even after all he had just said to you, he couldn't crack the walls that you had built so high. You turned and went down the stairs to leave his accommodation building.

What a whiny little bitch made boy. You thought to yourself as you opened the door, re-entering the cold winter night.

As you walked back to your building, you couldn't help but mull over the words he spoke to you. A large part of you knew he was just saying those things to get under your skin, but another small part of you wondered if there was any truth to his words. Were you really boring with no personality? But he did basically say I'm hot enough so that doesn't matter, you quickly reminded yourself and laughed slightly. You aren't boring, and you know that based on how hard you had made him laugh the few times you actually bothered to engage in a conversation with him. The only reason he had called you boring is because you didn't open up to him, a decision you made consciously. Why bother telling him about your likes, dislikes, biggest fear, favourite colour blah blah blah. I mean, who does that with a hook-up? That's a recipe for disaster. Doing that can only lead to feelings developing, and you knew from the jump that Eren... Eren- what's his last name again? Eh Who cares? Eren was not a guy you could ever have feelings for. Eren had a reputation to not take girls seriously, he's gotten with multiple girls but never dated a single one of them. This is the reason you decided to start hooking-up with him. You didn't want a relationship, just a release. So why is he acting like this?

You reached your room and instantly changed to put your fluffy blue fleece pyjamas on, why not warm up in comfort and style? After finishing changing and snuggling up in your bed your phone dinged.


cold ❄️🌬️ (Colt)

I'm boredddddddddd.


Tough shit

Fingers and toes 💅🦶(Pieck)


cold ❄️🌬️

Say less, I'm omw to you now and we'll walk together



Lit rally no! I am locking my doors

Fingers and toes 💅🦶

Uhm Shut up?!

we'll bring food with us so stop complaining



cold ❄️🌬️

You do this every time

Why do you even bother saying no when you know we're coming over anyway

Fingers and toes 💅🦶

FR! She acts like she has any say in it

As if I won't break her door down

cold ❄️🌬️

YO! I could carry you and use your giant

fucking forehead like a battering ram

Fingers and toes 💅🦶

Okay jokes over now

cold ❄️🌬️

Strangers | Jean Kirstein College AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz