Chapter 1: The fall of his kingdom

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Once upon, there was a army of warriors that ruled in the shadows. There was nothing stopping them from getting theirs goals but their leader was very ambitious and very dangerous. His name was Greg Gregorio and he was the most powerful warrior in the Shadows Clan that they make him, their King; by time, he got weaker and old. His army see him weak but he still hold his ground still he find his heirs. It been months that he couldn't find his heirs but he remembered that he had a little brother that it always followed him without no questions. Gregorio take his little brother, to the woods to train him but Gregorio saw that his little brother didn't have the bless of the Shadow Goddess. For that; his peoples start losing faith in their king but Gregorio didn't take no, still he met her, a Goddess of Light. Her face shine like the sun and her voice is sweet and soft, that he fell in love with the Goddess. Time fly fast and Gregorio saw that, his kingdom is going into war with the north and west kingdom, but Gregorio have lost his commanding officer's and the peoples who was supporting him; but his little brother stayed with him still the end. But Gregorio have other plans for him so he ask the Goddess that she can make a light loot for his little brother, the Goddess refuses first. But he beg and beg for hours and hours that make her accepting the offer. Gregorio and his brother talked for two hours saying goodbye. But the brother cry so hard that make Gregorio so hard to leave him with the Goddess but he stayed still holding his ground on the day of the battlefield. On the day of the battlefield, 50 of his most trusting warriors showed it up and he saw them and he ask them; "what are you guys doing here?" He ask and they say "we are here to help with our king to fight still dead" and all of them take out their weapon's to fight with their king. Gregorio was so proud that he take out his sword and he yell's "my brothers, today we die in battle and we fight in the shadow!". They run into the woods to find theirs enemies, the enemies walked and walked for hours and hours for the woods and didn't find them. And then one of them disappear into thin air, the soldiers looking at each other confused. Other disappear into air and then Gregorio step out of the shadows and look at them into their eyes, then the soldiers rushed to him to fight him but he disappear into the air and then the soldiers started to fall to the floor, Gregorio and his comrades show up behind him looking at one soldier. The soldier took his trumpet out to call more reinforcements, then Gregorio took the opportunity to take him out but he didn't do it on time. The reinforcement's heard the calling from that soldier and they rushed to that place fast but Gregorio and his comrades, stay remained stabilized. The enemies show up and they run towards them and they shouted so loudly at the same sound as their shields clashing, bodies started to fall fast from both side. Leaving a Gregorio standing alone and the two kings walked toward to him. Gregorio hold his sword so tight that he disappear into air and he stab the king of west but he didn't have time to react because the king of the north use dark magic to finished him leaving Gregorio on the ground's wasting his last breath. The king of the north shouted "I, King Carlos of the North; make this land of the north". After he said that, the other army joined his army making it the greatest army of Great Britain. Years after years that King Carlos kill the Great King of the shadow, Greg Gregorio, who was the most powerful but he lost his entire kingdom and his dearest Goddess of Light. It been 20 years that the war ended but Gregorio's little brother want his revenge. The Goddess of Light ask him"are you really ready for this Aron?" And Aron tell her" Yes, I'm ready to be the next bloodline of the Shadow clan; my brother clan!". He shouted loud leaving her speechless and she look the other way. She open a door for Aron and he look at her saying his goodbyes. He walk toward the door when he got out, he appeared in the woods while he hold his sword looking anywhere but he find nothing so he walked for hours and hours. Trying to find someone but he find a shadow figure looking at him. The armor of the shadow figure look like the one of Gregorio and his comrades armors. He walk toward them but they was holding their weapons tight, Aron walk back looking at them with fear and making them stronger but Aron hold his ground. But he didn't put his sword out to fight them and Aron thought many things on his mind but one thing make it on his mind that was turning himself to shadow but it didn't successfully and he fell on his knees but the shadows figures come closer to him and show him how to do it. He learn the ways of the shadows, his eyes shine whites while his body has an aura of shadow. Aron stand up looking at 49 shadows figures looking at him but one figure get closer to him and say the ancient spells to makes more shadows members. A few days passed, Aron walk to this small town that has a few peoples, the peoples start looking at him because he have a little of armor and his sword show a little bit he was comfortable with the look but not the small talk about him, he go to this small bar and sit on a chair on the corner drinking his beer while a small group of adventures look at him and judge him by his look but he ignore them while drinking. The door open and some soldiers enter having a small talk's while sitting down but one of the soldiers saw Aron's sword, he was surprised because that model of the sword stop making it 20 years ago. The soldier stand up and walk toward Aron and ask "From where you belong?" Ask the soldier and Aron response saying"I'm from a place with revenge and fury's". The soldier grab his hand and tell him "Please don't make me laugh" the soldier start laughing and everyone as well but the adventures didn't. Then Aron disappear into thin air and showing up from the back of the soldier look afraid and fell to the floor with fear, the other soldier get up and put his sword out to attack him but Aron kick him so hard that his armor broke and he spit blood out of his mouth while looking him. Aron knocked him down and he do it again with the other soldier, he ran outside but he was ambush with 30 soldiers ready to put him down but the prince was in the crowd seeing this mess. Aron put his sword out and rushed to one of the soldiers, they fight and clashes blade's one by one join to fight Aron but he have a secret power, they push him into a corner while their's blade clashed. The prince walk out of the crowd and walk up to Aron to ask "Are you willing to die now or later" and he respond "When King Carlos is dead on my sword!". The prince didn't like his words so he put out his sword but didn't know that the King Carlos stop him "Stop! He said he wanted my head, then le give him my head" the king put out his sword to have a blade with blade with Aron but he was tired because it was exhausting fighting five men's at the same time so he get up but put his sword away and the king say "Are you crazy or just lost the will to fight me, you bastard!". Aron disappear and appear in a alley exhausted so he walk and walk to the enter of the kingdom but he will remember this lost, it been days that he lost his fight with the Prince of the north but he will be stronger the next time they meet and he find a small house in the middle of nowhere in the woods but in front of the door have the letter {G} he get closer to look but he didn't find anything but he found a boy that was holding a small blade and shout it "Who are you! Are you with the north?!". And he respond "No, but I'm a shadow member of a greatest familia in this land". The boy knew who was he......

    To be continues.......

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