Chapter 5: Long week

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On Sunday, at around 5 o'clock. I told Willy that I had to go home. I am sure I saw tears in his eyes. I made my way to the bathroom and he followed me. He looked at me with puppy dog through the glass of the shower and he kept looking until I got out.

"Why do you have to go so soon? You haven't even gotten a chance to taste my strawberry cake" he said while squeezing my waist.

"It's the end of the weekend. We have to go to work"

"Can't you just move in with me. I need you more"

"But I can't leave my sister alone at home she must be very worried"

"Your sister has had you since her birth. I have only had you for 1½days"

"I have to go. I will be back at the end of the week, okay?"

"Okay. I love you"

"I love you too, Willy"

William dropped me off at home at around 7 and then let me go at 8. I got home where Kristen and Vanny were waiting for me. I just walked to my room and ignored them. I changed into my pajamas and started scrolling down my phone for Will's number which I soon remembered I forgot to get. Then a text popped up on my phone.

Hi, Vanessa. It's William. The therapist. I hope you don't mind me getting your line.

And I replied: Not at all I was just thinking about you😋

Really I hope you were thinking about good things💍☺️🫰🏼

Yes, 🥰. I was starting to think you had forgotten about me

I would never. Besides I was thinking about how I am gonna make it through the week without you 😭😭

You are such a baby👶, William Winston

And I would be glad if you were my mother😏

Naughty naughty boy 😂

We texted for 2 hrs before Vanny called me for dinner and not shockingly Kristen was still here. They knew my weakness was food and once I started eating meat I was an open book. They asked me about Willy, what we did, what we talked about and if I liked him or not. Then the question came about mates. I wasn't sure if my mate was out there or not but I knew all I wanted right now was William. I was sure that William couldn't be replaced by any mate.

The week was long and it had a lot of long meeting too. Sometimes during the meetings I would find myself thinking about William. Then on Thursday, my dad called me to his house. It took a while but I went anyway. I opened the door and I exchanged greetings with him. We had dinner then we moved on to his office.

"Victoria Natalya Steel, tell me about William Winston."

My wolf nearly jumped when his name left his mouth

"What would you like to know".

"Everything starting from the fact that you were at his house the whole weekend"

"You were spying on me again, weren't you"

"I am your Alpha but firstly your father. I understand that you are a grown woman but a human Talya. I would have understood being lesbian but not this"

" Dad his my choice. My wolf feels at peace with him. I think his my mate"

" Don't be silly, there's no way a human can be your mate. "

"Well then, I don't care. Whether human or wolf. I love him"

"Your power is great, you can not let your line end like this."

" It will not end. No where in the books does it say it will"

" No where in the books does it say it is right for a wolf and human to be"

" I love Willy"

" And what if I choose to hurt your precious William Winston"

Those words got my attention." If you choose to hurt even a hair on his head, I will not hold back, Vincent."

"Then know what you must do, my child"

" Their are my power, my gifts from the goddess and my mother. I choose how I wish to use them"

I left the office and slammed the door on my way out. That was another issue with my dad, I felt that he only loved my power and not me. That's why he kept me close and had me under guard because he knew what mass distraction I could cuase.

My wolf was burning with rage and it need to let out. I let it run until it felt breathless. I was calm once more but it was hungry. It needed to eat, it needed blood. Fast.

At around 5 in the morning the next day I found myself in my room. I took a bath, got dressed and went to the gym. After a 2hr workout I went home took another bath and went to the office. I had only realized that I hadn't touched my phone since yesterday.

When I opened it, it was full with calls and texts. Some from Kristen, some from Eros Carbon and some from Willy. I called him first. On the first call he didn't answer. This made me remember my dad's words last night, what if something happened.

On the second call he answered I sighed in relief. He said he was currently busy with a client and would call me back in 20 minutes. I waited patiently and started to type some work. Then he called me back.

He said he missed me and wanted to see me again. I wanted to promise him the weekend but I had to attend a meeting with the Alphas but I couldn't tell him that. So I promised to come over today and I will leave in the morning.

I slept over at Willy's house and to be honest I didn't wanna leave but I had to. Early on Saturday I left to go to my Dad's house where I met Dad and Vanny. We left together in the same car for the meeting.

It was like a silent family trip.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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