❃.✮:▹ Ch-7 ◃:✮.❃

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Not even two days had went past after the ferret incident, when she got her invitation from Professor Moody. It was after the first class of Moody's that she was told to stay. Everyone was talking about the unforgivable curses they had been shown.

As soon as everyone was out, and Hermione, Harry and Ron had thrown a suspicious glance back at her, Moody slammed the door shut. He turned to face her and for once both his eyes focused on one thing together, Ember.

" I don't have time for chit-chat girl, you are well informed of what you'll have to do, so I'm not wasting my time repeating the instructions. Here take this-"

He plopped a book titled " Magical Water Plants Of The Mediterranean" down on the table.

"- and give it to the Longbottom boy. Tell him you had it lying about or something. I'll talk to you again. Now out. "

Ember smiled a dry smile as she made her way out of the room. Well , what a gracious welcoming talk she'd got.

She didn't need to walk far. She found Harry, Hermione and Ron talking to Neville who looked visibly shaken. Ember felt something coil in her stomach. She felt anger, sharp and hot, for Moody who had made Neville see that curse. She didn't know why he was so affected, but he was. And now so was she.

She could've gone back and shoved her wand up his nose, or better yet transfigured Moody into a Blast-Ended Skrewt but she had to remember her duties and responsibility. For now. And do something she absolutely didn't want to do.

"Umm.. Hey Nev. Are you feeling all right? " She asked soothingly.
Neville smiled a wobbly smile and nodded but his eyes still had that troubled look.

"Ember! What did Moody want to talk to you about? " Hermione asked in concerned voice.

"Nothing much, told me to cover up my earlier syllabus if I wanted to keep up with his classes. But his other eye is rather fascinating you know. As it was swivelling somewhere behind his head, he must have seen something out the window at the back of his head, as he jumped up and strode off. I reckon Malfoy must be bullying some first year again. I saw some ferret-blonde hair from the window. "

Ron's eyes gleamed as he snatched Harry by the arm and ran towards the outer gates. Hermione sent an annoyed look at their backs. Then she gave Ember a should-we-go-and-drag- them-to-the-library-and-make-them- force-read-Advanced-Potion-Making-or-Unfogging-the-future-or-something look.

"Er.. Hermione you go and drag them off to dinner. I'll join you in a minute. " Hermione nodded and stalked towards the two very unfortunate boys.

Ember swivelled again towards Neville who still looked glassy eyed. She smiled at him and took his arm to lead him towards the Great Hall.

"So... I heard from Professor Sprout that you are great at Herbology? " Spoke Ember trying to sound nonchalant. God, how did people lie so easily? Then she remembered how she had gotten rid of the trio and quickly shut up her thoughts.

"Uh-she told you that? " Asked Neville with a pink hue on his cheeks as he studied the ground intently. Ember wondered how someone could even think of bullying this boy. He was just so adorable.

"And I saw it too. In the herbology class. You were great with the bubotubers." Ember wasn't lying this time. She had seen how easily Neville had collected the pus. He had had the largest amount at the end of the class.

"Yes, Herbology comes easy to me. Unlike potions or any other subject. Someday I would like to be a Herbology professor, I think. If I ever will be that good. " Neville smiled back at Ember. His shyness always overshadowed his greater personality. One could see the shine in his eyes as he talked about the thing he loved.

"Hey, you know what, I just remembered about the book Miss Roxie gave to me on my birthday. I didn't have the courage to tell her then that I wasn't into herbology that much. But you'll love it. It's about underwater plants.

"It's in my trunk. Come down in common room after dinner. I'll lend it to you. " Neville smiled again and nodded. Ember already felt horrible that what she was doing was because of Moody but atleast, he'll actually like reading it. She felt close to Neville, more so than her other friends. Something in her just screamed to stand by the boy and take care of him. She wanted to too, but circumstances weren't really in her favour.

Damn her! Why had she agreed to the stupid mission!? She knew why though, she wanted to come and study at hogwarts desperately. And also, she knew there really wasn't a choice. Agree or be forced to agree. So she chose the easier way out and here she was, deceiving and backstabbing her only friends.

She wanted to throw down the mission in front of Moody now, or better yet, throw her fist in his face, but she knew what would come if she backtracked now. Not only for her, but for Aunt Cathy as well. And that thought itself was enough to shun herself back to the track.

She sat down next to Neville for dinner that day. And went with him to the common room after. She went to her dormitory and after some much needed slaps on her face, came down with a smile on her face and a book in her hands.

"Umm-why are your cheeks red? " Neville asked but as if realising something, he looked down and didn't bring it up again. Oh no, poor boy. He must be thinking she did something in the dormitory alone. Well, well. Ember mused, you learnt something new everyday. The innocent boy wasn't that innocent, after all.

She just smiled and sat down next to him as he read the book with a renewed shine in his eyes. His eyes were still a bit red and Ember still felt horrible. He looked up in between his reading several times, as if to check if she was still there. And she was. Soon her other three friends came along and sat with them.

Hermione read her books with a fervent expression; as if there was an exam in three months and she had forgot to study for a whole day. Harry and Ron still weren't done revelling and relishing the hilarious bouncing ferret. They laughed and joked and got scolded by Hermione, just their normal banter. Neville was still reading her book.

But Ember? She was feeling more and more terrible by the minute. How would she be able do what was to come for her when she couldn't even do this! Couldn't even lie and be normal again. How could she backstab the people who had accepted her like a long lost friend. No questions about her name! Becoming her friend from the moment she set foot here. Did she have it in herself to cheat those friends of their trust?

Even if she was doing something right, she still was doing everything wrong!

She was finally realising what she had stepped into.


Hi everyone. I'm sorry for the late and short chapter. My exams are going on atm. So I'm busy getting trampled by everyone's hopes.

Anyway, there might be some grammatical errors in this one. I'll appreciate if you people point them out. We've reached 200 view. Thanku sm everyone :)
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