Entry for plutointhestars

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My entry for contest 1 of Loki Graphic Contests by plutointhestars

Prompt was to create a cover or poster for a book/show/movie that already exists whilst incorporating a silhouette. I decided to make mine for Cyberpunk Edgerunners because recently I've been obsessed with the font NHL Ducks and I wanted to make something vaguely futuristic.

 I decided to make mine for Cyberpunk Edgerunners because recently I've been obsessed with the font NHL Ducks and I wanted to make something vaguely futuristic

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Made using these images from unsplash

It's been so long since I made a cover or even something in these dimensions (I've gotten way too comfortable making things in square ratios for instagram) but I'll derust one step at a time

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It's been so long since I made a cover or even something in these dimensions (I've gotten way too comfortable making things in square ratios for instagram) but I'll derust one step at a time

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